Wednesday, December 18, 2024

BREAKING NEWS: Intelligent Design Creationists claim that this year's Nobel Prize refutes junk DNA and confirms IDC predictions!

This is a Come Let Us Reason Together (sic) podcast moderated by Lenny Esposito with Faxale "Fuz" Rana of Reasons to Believe and Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute. They discuss this year's Nobel Prize for the discovery of microRNAs and "how it supports intelligent design and weakens the evolutionary paradigm." Casey Luskin devoted a post to the topic on the Discovery Institute propaganda blog: 2024 Nobel Prize Awarded for the Discovery of Function for a Type of “Junk DNA”.

Enjoy! (Spot the lies.1)

1. In Luskin's case, we know he is lying. [Is Casey Luskin lying about junk DNA or is he just stupid?]


  1. Ahh it's the usual "used to think it was junk DNA", but no reference is ever given where someone asserts this particular molecule is junk DNA. And the same basic hasty generalization fallacy is underlying the entire thing.

    On a related note you have to wonder how clever is the regulation when the gene silencing happens post-transcriptionally. Why waste time transcribing it in the first place then? It seems to me for the few miRNAs that really do have functions as silencers, their mechanism of function is actually evidence for evolution.

  2. No, Larry. The point of having a blog is for you to watch the crap and talk about it so we don't have to.

  3. A video of more than an hour ... Who has the patience to sit it through?

  4. The “Genomic Code”: DNA Pervasively Moulds Chromatin Structures Leaving no Room for “Junk”
