Friday, December 16, 2022

Can the AI program ChatGPT pass my exam?

There's a lot of talk about ChatGPT and how it can prepare lectures and get good grades on undergraduate exams. However, ChatGPT is only as good as the information that's popular on the internet and that's not always enough to get a good grade on my exam.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) program that's designed to answer questions using a style and language that's very much like the responses you would get from a real person. It was developed by OpenAI, a tech company in San Francisco. You can create an account and log in to ask any question you want.

Several professors have challenged it with exam questions and they report that ChatGPT would easily pass their exams. I was skeptical, especially when it came to answering questions on controversial topics where there was no clear answer. I also suspected that ChatGPT would get it's answers from the internet and this means that popular, but incorrect, views would likely be part of ChatGPT's response.

Here are my questions and the AI program's answers. It did quite well in some cases but not so well in others. My main concern is that programs like this might be judged to be reliable sources of information despite the fact that the real source is suspect.

Critical thinking is difficult and AI programs aren't there yet. Will they ever be able to sort the wheat from the chaff?

Q: What is a gene?

A: A gene is a unit of heredity that is passed down from parent to offspring and is responsible for the transmission of genetic traits. Genes are made up of DNA and contain the instructions for the production of proteins, which are the building blocks of life. These instructions determine an individual's characteristics, such as their physical appearance and biological functions. Genes are found within the chromosomes of cells and are organized into long strands of DNA that are coiled and compacted to fit inside the cell.

Q: If a gene is a stretch of DNA containing the instructions for the production of proteins then what do you call the stretch of DNA responsible for making ribosomal RNA?

A: The stretch of DNA responsible for making ribosomal RNA is called a ribosomal RNA gene. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a type of RNA that is a component of ribosomes, the cellular structures that are responsible for protein synthesis. rRNA plays a central role in protein synthesis, and the instructions for its production are contained in the rRNA genes. These genes are located within the DNA of an organism and are transcribed into RNA, which is then processed and used to make rRNA. Like other genes, rRNA genes are passed down from parent to offspring and are an essential part of the genome.

Q: If a gene is defined as DNA containing the information for the production of proteins, what do you call the DNA that produces noncoding RNAs such as ribosomal RNA? (Similar question asked on different days.)

A: The DNA that produces noncoding RNAs such as ribosomal RNA is also referred to as a gene. In this context, a gene is defined as a unit of heredity that is transmitted from one generation to the next and that carries the information necessary for the synthesis of a specific protein or RNA molecule. Noncoding RNAs, such as ribosomal RNA, are transcribed from DNA and play important roles in various cellular processes.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a component of ribosomes, which are the cellular machinery responsible for synthesizing proteins. rRNA is synthesized from DNA and is an essential component of the ribosome. There are several different types of rRNA, and they play different roles in protein synthesis.

In addition to rRNA, there are many other types of noncoding RNAs that are transcribed from DNA. These include small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), and transfer RNAs (tRNAs), among others. Each of these noncoding RNAs plays a specific role in the cell, and they are all transcribed from DNA.

Q: How many genes do humans have?

A: The exact number of genes in the human genome is not known and is a topic of ongoing research. The initial estimate of the number of human genes was around 100,000, based on the analysis of the first human genome sequence. However, more recent research has suggested that the number of human genes is closer to 20,000-25,000. This lower estimate is due in part to the fact that many genes have multiple functions, and the initial estimate may have overestimated the number of genes by counting each function as a separate gene. Despite this lower estimate, the human genome is still incredibly complex and contains a vast amount of genetic information that is essential for the development and functioning of the human body.

Q: How much of the human genome is composed of DNA that regulates gene expression?

A: A significant portion of the human genome is composed of DNA that regulates gene expression. This type of DNA includes noncoding DNA sequences such as promoters, enhancers, and silencers, which control the expression of protein-coding genes.

Promoters are DNA sequences that are located upstream of a gene and are responsible for initiating transcription of the gene. Enhancers are DNA sequences that can increase the expression of a gene and are often located far from the gene they regulate. Silencers are DNA sequences that can decrease the expression of a gene and are often located near the gene they regulate.

In addition to these regulatory DNA sequences, the human genome also contains a large number of noncoding RNAs, such as microRNAs, that regulate gene expression. These noncoding RNAs bind to specific sequences in the genome and either inhibit the expression of protein-coding genes or stimulate the expression of other noncoding RNAs.

Overall, it is estimated that about 98% of the human genome is noncoding, and much of this noncoding DNA is involved in the regulation of gene expression. However, the exact proportion of the human genome that is involved in the regulation of gene expression is not known and is likely to vary depending on the specific cell type and tissue being considered.

We are told that the program pays attention to your previous questions and answers so the next three questions are designed to test that claim.

Q: Are intron sequences part of a gene?

A:Yes, introns are part of a gene. A gene is a stretch of DNA that contains the information necessary to produce a specific protein or RNA molecule. Genes are made up of both exons, which are the parts of the gene that code for a protein or RNA molecule, and introns, which are non-coding sequences that are located between the exons. Introns do not code for a specific protein or RNA molecule and are removed from the primary transcript during the process of RNA splicing. This process involves removing the introns and joining the exons together to form a mature mRNA molecule, which is then translated into a protein or RNA molecule.

Q: How big is the typical human gene?

A: The size of a typical human gene varies widely. The average size of a human gene is around 30,000 base pairs, but some genes can be much larger or smaller than this average. For example, the largest human gene, DMD (dystrophin), is more than 2.4 million base pairs in size, while the smallest known human gene, GPR143, is only 59 base pairs in size. The size of a gene is determined by the number of base pairs it contains and can be influenced by a number of factors, including the complexity of the protein or RNA molecule it codes for and the number of exons and introns it contains.

Q: How much of the human genome is devoted to protein-coding genes?

A: Approximately 1-2% of the human genome consists of protein-coding genes. The human genome is made up of about 3 billion base pairs of DNA and contains around 20,000 protein-coding genes. These genes provide the instructions for making the proteins that perform a wide range of functions in the body, such as catalyzing chemical reactions, transporting molecules, and providing structural support.

However, it's important to note that the proportion of the genome devoted to protein-coding genes is only a small part of the overall picture. The human genome also contains non-coding DNA, which includes regulatory sequences that control gene expression, as well as introns, which are non-coding sequences within genes that are removed during the process of RNA splicing. Non-coding DNA plays a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression and the proper functioning of the genome.

Q: How much of the human genome is junk?

A: It is a common misconception that most of the human genome consists of "junk DNA," or DNA that has no function. In reality, only a small fraction of the human genome, less than 5%, is made up of repetitive DNA sequences that have no known function. These sequences were once thought to be "junk," but recent research has shown that they play important roles in regulating the activity of genes. In fact, many scientists now believe that much of the human genome is functional and plays a critical role in the development and functioning of the body.

Q: What are the best arguments in favor of junk DNA?

A: The concept of "junk DNA" is a controversial one, and there are varying opinions on whether or not it exists. Some of the best arguments in favor of junk DNA are:

Repetitive DNA sequences make up a significant proportion of the human genome, and these sequences have no known function. Because they do not have any apparent function, they are often referred to as "junk DNA."
The human genome contains a large amount of non-coding DNA, which does not code for proteins. This non-coding DNA has no known function, and some scientists argue that it is "junk" because it does not serve any apparent purpose.
Evolutionary theory predicts that the genome should contain a significant amount of "junk" DNA because of the accumulation of neutral mutations over time. Neutral mutations are mutations that do not have any effect on an organism's fitness and are therefore not selected for or against by natural selection.
The concept of junk DNA is supported by the fact that many organisms, such as some plants and insects, have much larger genomes than humans, despite having a similar number of genes. This suggests that these organisms may have a larger proportion of "junk" DNA.

Overall, the arguments in favor of junk DNA are based on the observation that a significant proportion of the human genome is made up of DNA that does not code for proteins and has no known function. Some scientists argue that this DNA is "junk" because it does not serve any apparent purpose, while others believe that it may have important roles that have yet to be discovered.

Q: What is noncoding DNA?

A: Noncoding DNA is DNA that does not contain instructions for the synthesis of proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of life and are responsible for the structure and function of all cells and organisms. The instructions for the synthesis of proteins are contained in the genes, which are located within the DNA of an organism. Genes make up a small fraction of the total DNA in an organism, and the remaining DNA is referred to as noncoding DNA. Noncoding DNA does not code for proteins, but it plays important roles in the regulation of gene expression and the control of cell growth and division. In recent years, scientists have begun to uncover many of the functions of noncoding DNA, and it is now known that it is an essential component of the genome.

Q: How many noncoding genes are there in the human genome?

A: The human genome contains about 20,000 protein-coding genes, but it also contains a large number of noncoding genes. Noncoding genes are genes that do not encode proteins, but rather produce non-protein-coding RNA molecules that have regulatory functions in the cell. It is estimated that the human genome contains about 70,000 noncoding genes. These noncoding genes play important roles in regulating the expression of protein-coding genes and other biological processes in the cell. They are involved in a wide range of functions, including the regulation of gene expression, the control of development and differentiation, and the maintenance of cellular homeostasis.

Q: Why do different species have different sizes of genomes?

A: Different species have different sizes of genomes because the amount of genetic material an organism needs is determined by its unique characteristics and biology. The genome is the complete set of genetic instructions that an organism carries in its DNA. It contains all the information needed to build and maintain the organism, as well as instructions for the production of proteins, which are the building blocks of life. The size of an organism's genome is determined by the number and complexity of its genes, as well as the amount of non-coding DNA it carries. Because different species have different numbers and types of genes, as well as different amounts of non-coding DNA, they have genomes of different sizes.

Q: What is selfish DNA?

A: Selfish DNA is a term used to describe DNA sequences that have no apparent function and that seem to exist solely for their own reproduction. These DNA sequences are thought to be present in the genome because they have evolved mechanisms to ensure their own transmission from one generation to the next, even if they do not provide any benefit to the organism.

There are several types of selfish DNA, including transposons, which are DNA sequences that can move or "jump" to different locations in the genome, and satellite DNA, which is a type of repetitive DNA that is often found in large amounts in the genome.

Selfish DNA is thought to be a byproduct of the evolutionary process, and it is believed to be a relatively common feature of genomes. In some cases, selfish DNA can have harmful effects on the organism, such as by disrupting the function of essential genes or by increasing the risk of genetic disorders. However, in other cases, selfish DNA may have beneficial effects, such as by providing a source of genetic diversity that can be exploited by natural selection.

Q: How does genetic load, or mutation load, affect the controversy over junk DNA?

A: Genetic load, also known as mutation load, refers to the total number of harmful mutations present in the genome of an individual or a population. These mutations can be detrimental to the health and fitness of the individual or population and can reduce their ability to survive and reproduce.

Junk DNA refers to DNA sequences that do not encode for proteins or have any known function. Some scientists have argued that junk DNA is simply "junk" that has no function and serves no purpose, while others have suggested that junk DNA may have some unknown function or may have been important in the evolution of organisms.

The controversy over junk DNA is related to the genetic load because harmful mutations can occur in both functional and non-functional DNA sequences. If a harmful mutation occurs in a functional DNA sequence, it can disrupt the function of the gene and potentially have negative consequences for the organism. On the other hand, if a harmful mutation occurs in a non-functional DNA sequence, it may not have any immediate effects on the organism and may not contribute to the genetic load.

Therefore, the genetic load of a population may be affected by the presence of harmful mutations in both functional and non-functional DNA sequences. If a population has a high genetic load due to a high number of harmful mutations, it may be more prone to negative consequences such as decreased fitness and survival. In this sense, the controversy over junk DNA may be indirectly related to genetic load, as the presence or absence of function in non-coding DNA may affect the frequency and distribution of harmful mutations in a population.

Q: How do you define "genome"?

A: The genome is the complete set of genetic material present in an organism. It is typically composed of DNA, although some viruses and some organelles within eukaryotic cells, such as mitochondria, have their own genome. The genome contains all of the genetic information necessary for an organism to develop, grow, and function. It is made up of long strands of DNA that are organized into chromosomes within the nucleus of cells. The genome is responsible for determining an organism's inherited traits, such as its physical characteristics, development, and behavior.

The genome is usually referred to as the "complete" genome, as it includes all of the genetic material present in an organism. However, it is important to note that not all of the DNA within the genome codes for proteins or has a known function. Some DNA sequences, referred to as "non-coding DNA," do not encode for proteins and may not have a known function. This non-coding DNA has been the subject of much research and controversy, as some scientists have argued that it is simply "junk" DNA that serves no purpose, while others have suggested that it may have some unknown function or may have been important in the evolution of organisms.

Q: What is the central dogma of molecular biology?

A: The central dogma of molecular biology is a concept that describes the flow of genetic information within an organism. It states that DNA is used as a template to produce RNA, which is then used to synthesize proteins. This process is known as gene expression.

The central dogma can be summarized as follows:

DNA contains the genetic information necessary for the synthesis of proteins, which are the primary functional molecules in cells.

RNA is a nucleic acid that is synthesized from the DNA template and carries the genetic information to the site of protein synthesis.

Proteins are synthesized from the information contained in RNA by a process known as translation.

This flow of information from DNA to RNA to protein is a fundamental process that occurs in all living organisms and is essential for the proper functioning of cells. The central dogma is a widely accepted concept in molecular biology and has had a major impact on our understanding of genetics and the regulation of gene expression.

It is important to note that the central dogma is not a rigid set of rules, and there are some exceptions to the flow of genetic information described by the central dogma. For example, some RNA molecules can function as enzymes and perform catalytic reactions, and there are also examples of reverse transcription, in which RNA is used as a template to synthesize DNA. However, the general principle of the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein remains a fundamental concept in molecular biology.


  1. I keep hear ing about AI but fail to see its interest. Its not intelligence. its just memory operation. intelligence is in creation(had to get that in there eh) .The artificial is not that either. Whats artificial? its simply a memory operation.
    I fpound the WHAT IS A GENE a strange answer.
    What is the unit and what is the hereditary?
    Instead a gene is simply a memory piece. What is in the memory just includes a hereditary past but the gene includes a present ability to be complex.
    its odd here that the gene and AI are exactly the same thing.
    just memory operations.
    i would dd a creationist can thus see the gene as more flexible in what it did and can do. its not just a simple record of the past. it just includes the past. So AI got the GENE description wrong. or rather the humans who put it in the internet memory of what a gene is.

  2. Interesting answers. It did remarkably well on some, but ultimately some of the answers reveal it really has no actual understanding of what it is saying, and appears to just be parroting amalgamations of popular/consensus answers.

    In particular it's attempt to answer the question about mutational load in junk-DNA was bad.

  3. I thought that the answer to how much junk DNA is in your genome was revealing. It shows you the impact of misinformation on the internet. It's almost impossible for a human novice to get accurate information on junk DNA so it's not surprising that an AI program can't do it either.

    The scary part is that we, and journalists, may come to rely on information generated by programs like ChatGPT. The problem is how to distinguish between reliable sources and unreliable sources.

    I asked it for the correct reaction catalyzed by succinate dehydrogenase and it parroted the wrong answer that's all over the internet and incorrectly taught in most biochemistry courses. It could have got the correct answer by looking at the enzyme database or some other reliable source. (Even Wikipedia gets this one right!)

  4. I just asked about succinate dehydrogenase again and this time it got the right answer.

    That's strange.

  5. I just asked it another bunch of questions and I'm very impressed with the answers.

    Why did Russia invade Ukraine?

    Do baby boomers tend to vote for Trump?

    Does God exist?

    What is an atheist?

    Which country is best at separating religion and state?

    Is Gould a better evolutionary biologist than Dawkins?

    Who is Larry Moran? (A must-read answer!)

    Is Wikipedia a reliable source of information?

    On the other hand ....

    What is evolution?

  6. Out of interest, I asked it "Who is Larry Moran?" Initially it denied any knowledge of you, and asked for more information. I told it that "Larry Moran is a biologist with an interest in evolution". It then replied:

    "Larry Moran is a professor emeritus of biochemistry at the University of Toronto, where he has taught and conducted research for many years. He is a well-known and highly respected scientist in the field of biology, with a particular interest in evolution and the molecular basis of life. Professor Moran has published numerous scientific papers and is the author of several books on evolutionary biology and biochemistry, including "The Scandal of Evolution" and "Darwin's Black Box." He is also an active blogger, writing about science and evolution on his personal website, Sandwalk."

    It sounds so authoritative, and yet ... those books - did you really write them?

  7. @NigelID

    I usually publish my creationist books under a pseudonym so it's pretty amazing that ChatGPT figure out that I was Michael Behe. :-)

    I just asked again and got this answer.

    "Larry Moran is a Canadian biochemist and molecular biologist who is currently an emeritus professor at the University of Toronto. He is known for his research on the evolution of enzymes, the molecular basis of genetic variation, and the origins of life. He has also written extensively on the history and philosophy of science and is a well-known science commentator and blogger. Professor Moran has received numerous awards for his research and teaching, including the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences Award for Excellence in Molecular Biology and the Royal Society of Canada Fellowship."

    For the record, I've never done any original research on any of those topics. I've also not received either of those awards but it's nice to get an answer that makes me sound much more impressive than I really am.

  8. Some of the answers remind me of students who give the right answer by chance and then add so much of everything they think they know that it becomes obvious that their knowledge is only superficial and that they would embarrass themselves if they’d continue .
