Friday, September 10, 2021

Is the media finally realizing that they have been duped into promoting the lab leak conspiracy theory?

I would like to think that the media will eventually wake up and recognize the science behind the origin of SARS-CoV-2. It overhelmingly supports a natural origin and does not support the lab leak conspiracy theory. I was encourgaged by a Los Angeles Times article published a few weeks ago [Column: The lab leak theory for the origin of COVID-19 is fading.]. It was written by Michael Hiltzik who took the time to read some of the scientific papers that have recently been published. He has written an excellent summary of the issues.

Here's the bottom line ....

It would be inaccurate to say that evidence for the lab leak theory is fading. That’s because there never was any evidence for the theory, just conjecture.

Virtually from the outset, the lab leak theory was driven by ideology, not science. It employed the vocabulary of science, but that’s a familiar technique for bamboozling a susceptible public.

"The only evidence for a lab leak, period, is just that the virus emerged in Wuhan, where the Wuhan Institute of Virology is,” Rasmussen told me. “That’s it. Since day one, that has been the only piece of evidence.”

The assertions supporting the lab leak theory are not only conjectures, but in many cases provably wrong conjectures. They’re often based on misinformation, scientific ignorance, or even bad translations from Chinese documents.

Unfortunately, journalists like Michael Hiltzik are rare. Furthemore, there's no evidence that the talking heads on TV are even close to realizing that they have been duped.


  1. I wasn't sure what the point would have been, after all. Was there a plan to name the Wuhan lab as the defendant in a worldwide class actiona lawsuit in The Hague?

  2. I agree its very very unlikely any lab leak took place. eother by secret virus work or incompetence. I don't pay attention to the media but am surprised they allow/support the lab leak idea. usually they don't put in a bad light these nations.
    I think probability issues can help.
    first there has been several bif virus from these Asioan countries. The Hong Kong flu, forgotten now, hit in the late sixties. A few more in the past century. THEN there is huge populations. So I suggest probability would teach a prediction any new virus to mankind WOULD come from there. not india. But a hugh pop with a history of unique virus.
    I don't want to predict more. however its a curious case again how probabilities/possibly sampling are not understood by the educated classes who present these matters to us.
    I also think evolution is against probabilty but thats another issue.

  3. "usually they don't put in a bad light these nations."

    You are as clueless about the media as you are about science.

    "I don't want to predict more. however its a curious case again how probabilities/possibly sampling are not understood by the educated classes who present these matters to us."

    You've demonstrated you don't understand it either. My freshmen have a better grasp of it after one semester than you do.

    "I also think evolution is against probabilty but thats another issue."

    Yup -- the issue being your lack of understanding of anything related to science.
