Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"#For the King" nears the end of its Kickstarter campaign - add a Darwin statue!

My son's new game, For The King (#ForTheKing), is doing well on Kickstarter. So far they have over 3000 backers and over $120,000 [Kickstarter: For The King]. They met their launch goal within 24 hours and now they're closing in on the last defined stretch goal at $125,000 (balloons and highlands).

There's less than two days to go and the team [IronOak Games] has provided some incentive. Every time you post or tweet about For The King using the #ForTheKing hashtag your name will be put in a draw and the winning name will get a statue of him/her in the game.

If my name is chosen I'm going to ask for a statue of Charles Darwin. Help me get a stature of Darwin into the game by tweeting and posting #ForTheKing and promising to substitute Darwin for your own statue if you win.


  1. Larry,

    Why would you choose a statue of Charles Darwin? I don't get it.

    You claim not to be a Darwinist? Shouldn't you choose at least a statue of someone who got the "evolution mechanism" right? At least the way you see it with the genetic drift as the non- intelligent designer?

    1. sure would be nice if some creationist somewhere would know just enough about evolution to offer an intelligent comment... even if just once in a while.

    2. Apparently, lies for the devil is unaware that the name of this blog, The Sandwalk, is the path behind Charles Darwin's residence, Down House.

    3. An ignorant creationist? What is the world coming to?!

    4. I don't get it

      Of course you don't Salvita, of course you don't. Question is, what is it that you get? Darwin died well before before DNA was discovered. Can you connect the dots, dummy?

    5. Great scientist, wrote a groundbreaking treatment of the topic. Didn't get everything we now know into it. Does that make him unworthy of admiration? (There is a difference between admiration and slavish worship).

    6. Boys... you are just trolls... if you had the evidence for the mechanism of evolution, it would be in my face........ unfortunately.... you don't'. So you can make all sorts of unsubstantiated claims and pretend that they are true....

    7. Interesting, these remarks coming from some one with the nick 'lies for the devil'. You certainly live up to it.

    8. Salva, the evidence could be in your face, and in fact it is, but you simply hand-wave and claim there's none.
      If you really thought evolutionary biology is religious, you would show some respect since you're religious yourself, instead of this psychotic obsession with Darwin. You're bitter because you know full well you're a liar for jesus. Your nick of choice proves it, projection seems to be a necessary precondition for creatards

    9. Any room for a character called Captain Ellipsis?

    10. Guys, "liesforthedevil" isn't Sal cordova, he's called "liarsfordarwin". This nutbag is Quest.

    11. liesforthedevil screeched:

      "Boys... you are just trolls... if you had the evidence for the mechanism of evolution, it would be in my face........ unfortunately.... you don't'. So you can make all sorts of unsubstantiated claims and pretend that they are true...."

      What sort of "the mechanism" do you expect to be presented to you? Lots of information about the processes/events of evolution is available on the internet (including here), and in libraries, schools, books, TV shows, etc., and more is being learned every day but you'll have to put in some effort to keep up. Science is a lot more work than believing in horrible, contradictory, impossible myths that were made up by fearful, pretending, ignorant barbarians thousands of years ago.

      I'm wondering, can you make some substantiated claims about your chosen sky daddy that are true?

    12. The boys are scrambling to dodge the questions in many different ways but the answer is not forthcoming. The only "argument" they have is they can't see the "guy in the sky" therefore evolution must be true without a mechanism that made a simple bacteria" into an ignorant Darwinist. Their faith is beyond scientology. It's real lol

    13. liesforthedevil, you're dishonestly projecting your own behavior onto others. Have you ever responded to a question here with anything other than scrambling dodges and incoherent, ignorant snark and demands, and have you ever presented any evidence and an explanation of the so-called "mechanism" that you believe is the "mechanism" for whatever it is that you believe it is the "mechanism" for?

      According to the bible, the 'God of Abraham' created everything by speaking it all into existence. Do you believe that the biblical 'God's' spoken word was/is the "mechanism" of the creation of everything?

    14. TWT, I wouldn't expect an honest answer from someone using and living by the nick 'lies for the devil'.

  2. Yes, Darwinists, Worship St Darwin, Peace be upon him.

    If it wasn't for old Charlie then how would you peeps ever have figured out that "survivors survive"?

