Saturday, November 22, 2014

For the King

My son Gordon and his friend Colby are working on a new game called "For the King." It looks really cool. (I'm playing with an early version.)

Check out the website: IronOaks Games. They are also on Facebook: IronOaks Games. Twitter is @IronOakGames where you can make suggestions and follow development.

This is a game that reminds you of Hack and Nethack except with much better graphics. I think all the old people (like me) are going to like it. Ms Sandwalk asked for a carnival and got it (see below) and I'm pumping for a university.


  1. Of course a Canadian would make a game called "For the King!"

  2. A hockey player inspired doughnut shop might also be a good idea.

  3. It's great to see you posting again. I'm not a gamer, but I would like permission to use the picture of the priest above as my signature picture: St. Veronica: patron saint of atheists.

    1. Gordon says "yes" you can use it. (Please mention the game.) When he goes live on kickstarter you can request your own character - a man-eating, atheist, English teacher.

    2. Thanks, I'll put on my thinking veil ( and come up with a name.

      Keep me posted about the kickstarter.

  4. Replies
    1. There are forest trolls, desert trolls, and trolls of the plains. They are all very nasty.

    2. Do any of them use many ellipses... in their internet comments?

    3. I wonder what the base value of the dodge skill is for these trolls? Not only are they strong, can take quite some punishment, but adding in a high dodge factor will make them virtually impossible to kill.

      Are these trolls being modelled like Munchkins 'Internet troll'?

  5. Glad you are alive, Larry, I was worried.

  6. It's nice to see new games that have a fresh look. Assuming those screenshots are from within the game and not rendered in modelling software?

  7. I still haven't beaten nethack. Last time I played my character became too clumsy, and fell off his horse and died.
