Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Muzzled and mad Canadian scientists



  2. That one guy was a real ass. It isn't about (sorry, "aboot") weighing the science with other concerns; it's about manipulating and distorting the science. I thought the Canadians were all on the same page on environmental issues, but your conservatives are just as dishonest (intellectually and otherwise) as ours (US) are.

    1. Actually, after watching the video, it seems to me there is a significant difference between conservatives in the US and the way that guy was talking. In the US, they are as anti-science as it gets in the Western world, however they will almost always pretend they are pro-science, except for the truly extreme elements (like the person with the "lies straight out of the pit of hell" line), and that the science actually supports their positions.

      In contrast, here we have an open admission that they have no need for science as we understand it, and instead they want research that fits their purposes.

      2:35: "government has to balance the science against other interests such as growing the economy, etc."
      3:00 redefining public interest as "growing the economy and ensuring natural resources are exploited to the max"
      3:15 "It's not to say that we want less science, we want different science"
      7:55: "It's hubris by scientists to say if the government doesn't do what I want, then the government is wrong; it's hubris saying science-good, politics-bad"

      That's Soviet-Union-in-its-darkest-moments stuff

      Apparently nobody has informed this guy that he lives in a world governed by the laws of physics not by the "laws" of economics, and that there can be no economy on a dead planet... Mind-boggling stupidity...

    2. Georgi,

      You are not a stupid guy, which means you still possess thinking faculties...Why does someone like you support nonsense...? I know you know your stuff... what is it?

    3. Can you be a little bit more specific and explain what your problem with what I said is?

    4. Specific? ?? Don't worry... You can be specific all you want...You are just as blind as the rest.... I'm not going to explain why YOU ARE SO ARROGANT... It is pointless.... You will never get it...Intelligence has nothing to do with it....

    5. Well, what do you call entering the thread, saying I'm "blind", then refusing to explain why?? That looks quite arrogant to me...

    6. Hey Quest, why don't you point out at least 1 or 2 instances of Marinov supporting nonsense.

    7. I'm having a RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE ... and I don't take any DRUGS

      Zippy the Pinhead

  3. Georgi,

    I've just noticed that my second last post didn't go through or was removed....

    In short, the "nonsense\' I was referring to in that post was regarding "abiogenesis"...

    Both you and Johny Harsh have always been avoiding this major issue as if it didn't exist.... Johny Harsh's favorite excuse is that it is not his area of expertise.... I'm sure you have a better excuse than this....


    1. Are you sure you're posting in the right thread? Because:

      1) I just can't see how that's relevant to this one
      2) Not knowing the context I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...

    2. What do you what me to say...? Repeat what I have said in my previous post...? Or..., you want me to ignore the issue, and pretend that it doesn't exist just like you are doing now... ???
      Yeah.... it is a wrong thread because it poke you in the eye like a needle....

    3. Georgi,

      Now, like ALL THE EXPERTS AND KNOWN BELIEVERS IN THE FIELD you are going to pretend that you didn't see my post, or that you have forgotten about that... "Yeah.. whatta hell he is just a creationist" you may say. But I'm not....I'm not a creationist because I can't be one..... It is impossible from the PROVEN BEYOND A DOUBT point of view for me to be a creationist....If there is a religion that doesn't claim to be "creationistic" I might consider that...

    4. Could you just explain what the hell you are talking about in a way that will allow me to actually respond?

    5. If past experience is any guide, probably not. Incoherent is as incoherent does.

    6. Quest -
      "What do you what me to say...? Repeat what I have said in my previous post...? "

      So you are obsessed with this subject, and think it appropriate to sidetrack all threads to your obsession. YOu can't be on the wrong thread, because this si what yo post on all of them?

      I can see why you are baffled by Harshman's hesitation to speak on subjects about which he is not expert, because of course you do not see this as an issue.

  4. Science right now is the most important tool in humanity's toolbox. We are pursuing several unsustainable processes which threaten the very existence of our species. I don't see how anything could be considered more important than that. But I guess if making as much money as possible is one's highest goal, then the consequences to the next generation are irrelevant. I hate it when I care for other people's children more than they do - it ain't right.

    1. I hate it when I care for other people's children more than they do - it ain't right.

      It makes perfect evolutionary sense - if one pursues behavior that increases his inclusive fitness in the short term, i.e. the next generation, sometime the next two generations, but guarantees the eventual extinction of the lineage as a whole in the long term, then that's a horrible evolutionary strategy. If extinction is the alternative, it makes a lot more sense to not reproduce at all and stop hoarding and wasting resources trying to compete for status, so that the catastrophe is avoided. But how many people have the understanding and reasoning capabilities to figure it out, as simple as it is....
