Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Time magazine's person of the year is Pope what's-his-name! WTF?

It's hard to think of anyone who's more irrelevant to my life or the life of my friends and neighbors. Time has also become irrelevant. PZ Myers asks: Seriously, Time magazine?. Hemant Mehta says, Pope Francis Named Time’s Person of the Year, Despite Not Changing the Direction of the Church. What were the editors of Time thinking? You have to wonder whether this isn't some kind of sick joke.


  1. Even Benedict would have been a better choice. He actually did set a new precedent for the Catholic Church, by resigning.

  2. First it has been a historic error to care what a few dudes on this mag board decide who is top person of the year.
    Why do they know better then anyone, or anyone ever, WHY???
    Its silly! Complaining is confirming they are a authority better then others!

    anyways its nice to see a Christian personage.
    They are left wing and might think this Pope is more liberal. I understood he was more pro evolution and noted so.
    There is a lot of attach against the catholic church these days and many see it as harmful to liberal and democratic support by the old coalition of ethnic Catholics in the States. The left wing is stirring up the natives too much perhaps.
    Other secret motivations are probably going on. Years ago I concluded tIME was a fraud in motives about who they selected. All politics by journalists who think they rule right and wrong.
    is it possible its a innocent thing. NAW.

    1. Gee, booby considers Catholics to be Christians. Many of his fellow travelers in the US would take strong issue with that and consider the Raping Children Church the Whore of Babylon.

    2. What's the Whore of Babylon? Where did the name come from?

    3. Re Louise

  3. Remember this is the same magazine that once proclaimed Frankenberger as Man of the Year.

  4. Oddly enough, a number of conservative Catholics agree with Prof. Moran that Francis is hardly the man of the year. To them, he is a closet Marxist and altogether too friendly towards Jews.

  5. Some of the progressive politics blogs I follow are all excited by this because apparently Francis made a speech condemning capitalism and seriously think he is going to make the church a progressive force for ending poverty. I have a hard time taking seriously anything a guy who surrounds himself with jewels and priceless art has to say about poverty.

    1. Yeah, it reminds of when a certain president got the Nobel peace prize because intellectuals were so impressed with his anti-war rhetoric during the campaign. Once elected, this guy did not depart in the least from his predecessors' reliance on the rule of force in foreign policy.

    2. I think it's extremely important to make sure that everyone remembers when Barack Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize. That incident contains lots and lots of lessons.

      It's embarrassing and ridiculous and it has destroyed the credibility of the Nobel Peace Prize.

    3. I agree...They gave a Nobel Peace Prize to a man who is responsible for the opposite to peace... It's a joke....

    4. They also awarded a Nobel Peach Prize to terrorist Yasir Arafat.

    5. The Nobel committee was clearly overwhelmed by the idea of the first black president and the expected relief from a long season of neo-conservative war mongering. I expect any Democrat in the running would provide an improvement in the second category over your average deranged and borderline mentally ill U.S. conservative. But let us hope that the committee has firmly returned to their best practise of recognizing accomplishments that have been legitimized by the test of time.

    6. colnago80, "They also awarded a Nobel Peach Prize to terrorist Yasir Arafat."

      I forgot that one. Didn't pope JPII get one too? And yet, Catholic Church and most religions in Rwanda are responsible for encouraging hatred toward others purely based on religious differences. An agnostic like me, and a ex-member of Catholic Church, I'm appalled that the head of a religion that promotes hate, among others toward, Jews like me, got a Peace Nobel Prize.
      If there is hope for religion, it is among the pacifistic ones, which are few. If there was a religion that didn't have anything to do with bloodshed in Rwanda, I want to know about it. Same applies to Nazi Germany. Jews were the only ones that opposed the regime. No one else except some fractions of Christianity-pacifists

    7. Didn't pope JPII get one too?

      Well, no, he didn't.

      I'm appalled that the head of a religion that promotes hate, among others toward, Jews like me, got a Peace Nobel Prize.

      No need to get appalled by figments of your own imagination.

    8. An agnostic ex-catholic Jew ?

      It must be very noisy inside your head.

  6. 1. Maybe it's a slow year for great men.

    2. "Robert Byers" makes it hard to tell who is supposed to be left wing and liberal, but if he means that TIME is liberal, it's clear he doesn't read much actually liberal press.

    1. They are liberal surely and anyways of the "progressive' type. I don't read liberal stuff because all the media is liberal and off the same rack.
      Anyways i've heard the new pOpe is liked because they think he's more accepting of homosexuality and abortion and socialism etc.
      so I , suggest, TIME wants to promote him as opposed to some future conservative one. Politics by big media is a old game.
      They are trying to influence the Catholic church and her people to certain conclusions desperately passionately held by the press.
      Lame motivation from lame left wingers in lame rags.
      It should of been a best selling book ID creationist.
      Now that would be interesting in the cafe's of the land.


    ACLU, Michigan woman sue Catholic Bishops over hospital rules

    So much for the irrelevancy of the pope.

  8. Since the Nobel Peace Price is mentioned, as a Norwegian I only want to say that I am not alone in being disappointed by the election of Obama as a recipient. I only want to point out that the Peace Price Committee is independent of the goverment and is not accountable to any institutution or organ inside our outside of government.

    But, because the policy is to elect retired or former politicians to the committee's governing body it is quite understandable that foreign governments like the Chinese find it hard to understand that they do not represent the state of Norway.

    We are suffering an ice front from the Chinese lasting three years now because of that, and I find it quite possible that a committe with less political ties and governmental background might sometimes have opted for other candidates well within the will and legacy of Alfred Nobel.

    With a career and background in politics they are conditioned and can't stop thinking like politicians.

    But there is criticism and I belive the Swedes are not too happy with all decisions by our committe. Let us hope some changes will be made before the credibilty of the price is irreparably compromized. I don't see any risk of not finding less controversial and yet well deserving candidates.

  9. That Francis is utterly irrelevant to your life, or the life of your friends, (as well as to my life) may be a good reason to feel disappointed in the selection, but is hardly a reason to claim that the choice is mistaken.

    Fully 1/6 of the people on the planet look to this man for spiritual leadership, and he has used that position to significantly alter the rhetoric and the intellectual focus of the church. He has had a very big impact, even if not for any of us.

    1. The position of the catholic church has not changed one iota on any position. It is exactly the same paedophilic, homophobic and misogynistic organization that is was before frankenburger was airliifted out of his role of aiding and abetting central and south american fascist dictatorships to his new role of listening to voices in his head and pulling moral pronouncements out his his backside that have a direct and often times murderous effect on millions of people.

      That 1/6th of the people in this planet look to this criminal for "spiritual" (whatever the fuck that means) leadership is first of all probably not true, I suspect that a large proportion of those who self identify as catholic do it solely out of inertia, peer and social pressures (I know that I did), and those who actually do provide moral and financial support to that international criminal, kiddy fucking cartel are as complicit in the crimes committed against humanity as the feral predators who inhabit the hierarchy of the catholic church.

      The catholic church does not have an intellectual focus to change, what it has is a raw and naked lust for power.

      But you are correct in saying that he does have a very impact on the happiness and well being of the sentient beings that inhabit this planet and it is a uniformly negative one.

    2. That seems more like throwing up than engaging in rational discourse Steve. The tone reminds me of what I see in the comment sections of rightwing blogs - the content coming from a different direction of course...
      Why emulate that?
