Monday, September 09, 2013

Irony Upon Irony

For those (few) of you who are interested in the pathology of IDiots, you have to read Irony of the Day. It's posted on Uncommon Descent and the author is Barry Arrington.

This is a satirical summary of his point.
Many skeptics say that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is imaginary. However, it's impossible to prove that the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. Even Richard Dawkins says that you can't prove a negative.

Therefore, when you say that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is imaginary, you aren't being a true skeptic. Instead, you are expressing "uncritical arrogant dogmatism that would make the most committed fundamentalist blush. And that, my friends, is the irony of the day."
You can't make this stuff up.


  1. Barry, I can sue Larry in small claim court on your behalf for this defamation. I have a pretty good case and I have some money to make him pay for at least 10 grand. Are you with me? Just give me the ok.

    1. Attack of the Anti-Darwinist Thought Police! Censoring and suppressing all those who criticize ID since 1993.

    2. Dinoshit,
      I wouldn't mind suing you if you were worth it. LausyG is a joke. You are a "0", so how can I sue you? Don't you think I know who you are? Do you know what kind of people vist this shitty blog for fun? Do you know that my lab gets per year? How about 80 mils a year? Next year, it looks like we're going to get 120-130 and we are supposed to be in a recession. Do you know what I can do with this money? Think what I could do to this blog...

    3. Do you know that my lab gets per year? How about 80 mils a year? Next year, it looks like we're going to get 120-130 and we are supposed to be in a recession.

      *whistles with admiration*

      That has to represent a lot of Monopoly sets!

    4. Aren't you you a lousy GP in canada; american 50th state?

    5. Aren't you you a lousy GP in canada; american 50th state?

      America's 50th is Hawaii, not Canada. You may have heard of it. The president was born there.

      I'm in America's 31st state... and I'm not a GP or any other kind of medical practitioner.

    6. That is not very good news for you... lol :) know what I mean? you are toast lol

    7. louise, I doubt that arrington will see your comment. He's afraid to come here and he's way too busy chasing ambulances.

      Hey quest, do the guards at the asylum know that you've escaped your padded room again?

    8. ""Dinoshit,
      I wouldn't mind suing you if you were worth it. LausyG is a joke. You are a "0", so how can I sue you? Don't you think I know who you are? Do you know what kind of people vist this shitty blog for fun? Do you know that my lab gets per year? How about 80 mils a year? Next year, it looks like we're going to get 120-130 and we are supposed to be in a recession. Do you know what I can do with this money? Think what I could do to this blog...""

      Such a benevolent christian soul.

    9. Mr. Arrington has his very own American Loons entry:

      Diagnosis: Complete idiot whose inability to distinguish between providing reasons for X and bullying critics of X into silence makes him a perfect moderator for ID outlets.

      Mr. Arrington is a lawyer but in this case he actually might be better off represented by the likes of LouiseG. If nothing else this would be high in entertainment value.

      Arrington deletes and denies critical comments to the posts on the blog, and subsequently proclaims that the lack of comments from ID critics means that he won the argument (for instance here).

      Hmm, sounds like Jonathan McLatchie may have been home schooled by this guy.

    10. That is not very good news for you... lol :) know what I mean? you are toast lol

      Why? Have you put four houses and an hotel on the state of California?

    11. Mr. Arrington has his very own American Loons entry:

      But it misses my favorite Arrington moment. Aside from being an IDiot, he's also a Randroid, and he went a little peculiar one day—apparently inflamed by a conversation on quantum mechanics—and banned everyone whom he judged as being weak in their faith in the "law of non-contradiction".

    12. Quest: "Dinoshit,

      I wouldn't mind suing you if you were worth it. LausyG is a joke. You are a "0", so how can I sue you? Don't you think I know who you are? Do you know what kind of people vist this shitty blog for fun?"

      Wow. Quest, I really didn't know you were such an important person.

      I guess you have friends in high places... powerful friends. I should have known this, from the sophistication of your writing and the breadth of your scientific knowledge.

      I'm in big trouble now... Unfortunately for me, I have provoked the wrath of unseen forces of immense power.

      Quest, I'm sorry if I've offended you, and from now on I'll refrain from shooting off my mouth by saying things that are accurate. But please, don't tell your powerful allies that I've been troublesome-- I promise, I won't trouble you any more.

      You've hinted before about how powerful your friends are-- how a book is in preparation, a revolutionary book, that will rip the mask off Darwinism and make Larry Moran look like a fool. Since your friends must be first rate intellects, Darwinism is in big trouble.

      "Do you know that my lab gets per year? How about 80 mils a year? Next year, it looks like we're going to get 120-130 and we are supposed to be in a recession. Do you know what I can do with this money? Think what I could do to this blog..."

      Wow. 80 milion? Your laboratory must be huge. Your funding must be immense if you've budgeted legal fees for suing people on the internet who say things that are accurate. 80 million pesos is a lot of money, almost US $200. Frankly, I'm envious. So many labs have to scrape by nowadays.

      Your lab has a huge budget-- what's your source of funding? Venture capitalists? Venture brothers? NIH? NSF?

      It's time for us, or me at least, to admit that evolution is crumbling. I want to jump from this sinking ship, the "USS Darwin", but the problem is-- Quest, you don't know how hard it is to be a scientist surrounded by Darwinists! They'd destroy me, as they try to destroy all Darwin doubters.

      The Darwinists are powerful-- so powerful. If I admitted my doubts about Darwin in public, I'd be ruined-- hated-- hunted-- despised... living like an animal.

      I'd be fired. They'd revoke my grants. I can't do that to my family! I have a mouth to feed. So try not to judge me too harshly for living a double life-- pretending to be "Hey I'm Mr. Darwinist" on the outside, while deep down... I know it's all a lie. A lie...the greatest scientific hoax in all of history.

      But you, Quest, you have friends-- important friends. Powerful people. I need to network with the powerful and connected people you know, so that someday, when it's safe for me and my family, I no longer need to live this lie.

      Help me find some kind of asylum, Quest. Help me find a place of safety where a man can be free to speak his mind. Please tell me the funding sources for your vast laboratory-- surely there must be some way for a scientist to make an honest living while following the evidence wherever it leads.

      Please tell me who your powerful friends are-- I'm going to need protection from the these jackbooted Darwinian thugs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So Barry Arrington is uncertain that god exists, he's very skeptical of it. Glad he cleared that up for all of us.

  4. Dear Dr. Moran, You seem to be a respectable person. Do you think it is proper to call people childish names because they have a different world view than you? I understand that you believe the arguments for "intelligent design" are weak, but its proponents are mostly well-intentioned people who deserve respect like every other human on the planet. Thank you for taking the time to consider this comment. Best Regards, Travis Kopp

    1. No, I do not think it is proper to call people childish names simply because they have a different worldview.

      On the other hand, when IDiots use ridiculous arguments to attack the views and the honesty of all scientists they get exactly as much respect as they deserve.

    2. Travis,

      What exactly are the intentions you believe the IDiots have, when you refer to them as "well-intentioned"?

    3. Travis,

      Isn't the basic premise of IDiology, namely that there is an intelligent designer who is not my very own personal god, based on a lie ?

      It's blindingly obvious that IDiology is driven by religious indoctrination, and your demand for respect is akin to a petulant child who persists in insisting on the existence of Santa Claus and throwing temper tantrums when not accommodated.

      I went through similar bullshit mindcontrol exercises in Catholic school religion classes where for example we would publicly state that all religions were a path to god but privately take glee in the fact that all non Catholics were doomed to eternal damnation or that while we detested the homosexual act we loved the homosexual sinner but actually being driven by a visceral revulsion for the "other".

      The ability to selectively lie based on your target audience seems to be an essential feature of religion, save the real batshit crazy dogma for the in group and tailor the public message with a (very) thin veneer of rationality based on how you think the out group will react.

    4. Travis,

      We dispute your contention that ID's "proponents are mostly well-intentioned people who deserve respect."

      We know from countless examples that IDers lie about scientific facts, make up fake quotes from scientists, take quotes out of context for deceptive purposes, accuse real scientists of fraud and demand they be imprisoned (peppered moth, global warming), and try to conceal or deny their own words or actions in the very recent past (they themselves said pre-2004 that ID was creationist and religious, and have since denied and attempted to squelch their own words.)

      Example 1: Jonathan Wells cites Majerus as his authority to prove peppered moths don't rest on tree trunks, and moth scientists committed fraud by pinning dead moths to trees. Majerus says that's all not true, so Wells accuses Majerus of scientific fraud too. Wells' peppered moth hoax recently played a role in the Texas State Board of Education when their textbook review committee, deliberately packed with creationists and DI fellows, demanded the rejection of all textbooks that describe peppered moth experiments ("Fraud!" scream the IDiots) and the insertion of creationism "based on biblical principles".

      Example 2: IDer Michael Egnor, who sometimes infests this blog demanding Larry Moran be fired or disciplined, wrote an Op-Ed at ENV demanding climate scientists and other non-climate scientists be imprisoned because global warming is a fraud. Death camp for smarties, demands Egnor.

      Example 3: Just recently IDer Jonathan McLatchie on FB asks for opinions on a hypothesis about how junk DNA (pseudo genes) aren't junk. Critics point out several technical errors by McLatchie, and teach him how to correctly interpret the database that he was misinterpreting. He banned the critics from multiple FB pages, deleted their technical comments, and then, when they could not respond because he had banned them, he called them "obnoxious", said their technical corrections were "personal attacks", and attributed to them statements they did not make. As of yesterday, he still refuses to admit a half-dozen mistakes.

      Example 4: IDers Richard Weikart, David Klinghoffer, John West and Benjamin Wiker have no careers except to make up facts in endless attempts to blame Darwin and Darwinists for every evil invented and perpetrated by Christendom, including racism, Nazism, slavery, the US Civil War, WWI and WWII, eugenics, etc.

      No, these are not honest people, they are not scientists. It is the moral obligation of scientists to treat them with disrespect and to state directly that lying is not tolerated in the scientific community.
