Friday, February 08, 2013

Skip the Acknowledgements Slide!

Joshua Schimel blogs at Writing Science. His latest post recommends that we stop ending our talks with a boring slide that lists all funding sources and everyone who may have contributed to the project [Why do people blow the punchline in scientific talks? The destructive effect of acknowledgements slides].

I never thought about this before. He makes a good point.

[Hat Tip: Mike the Mad Biologist ]


  1. I agree. Do that on the second or third slide. Leave the last slide for the picture of yourself in a Speedo.

  2. Doing it as the second slide sounds reasonable, but I just don't see it as a problem. In my area people don't usually discuss the conclusion slide in the first place; the discussions, if any, generally focus on a results slide somewhere in the middle, or there is a question about the methodology.

    I guess it depends on the area of research.

  3. Where to place the acknowledgements slide is worth discussion. But skipping the acknowledgements slide runs the risk that the granting agency will decide to skip funding you.

  4. Should I include Joshua Schimel on my right-after-the-title-slide aknowledgements slide if I decide to do this?

    I think he makes a very good point, and I'm planning to do this for my next presentation. The article was written mainly towards PIs, who would include as aknowledgements people such as the graduate students and post-docs they are supervising. As a graduate student, I'm going to have to work out a way to point the aknowledgement in the other direction, without sounding like a brown-noser. Shouldn't be too hard, hopefully my future audience (likely to include my current advisor) appreciates it.
