Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Priceless Idiot

UPDATE: The woman in the picture, Kim Stafford, was making fun of the Tea Party with this sign [Internet FAIL: The truth about that Tea Party sorority girl you saw on Facebook.

This photo is everywhere on the internet but it's so perfect that I just have to post it even though spelling is not one of my own strengths.


  1. I don't understand why people would mock this picture...she's obviously an unemployed recent college graduate who has hit upon a novel way of getting a job. Good for her.

  2. Looks like she's in a dorm room... maybe the University of Toronto?

  3. Replies
    1. I think you're referring to Poe's Law. That would imply that the women in the photo is deliberately parodying Republican supporters in order to make fun of them. It would imply that I fell for the spoof.

      Do you have any evidence that this is true?

    2. Well, if it was a spoof, one could hardly be blamed for falling for it given the numerous legitimate examples of atrocious grammar and spelling . I am not at all surprised by the there/their/its error...but Kenia? On the other hand Wikipedia states:

      In the 19th century, the German explorer Ludwig Krapf recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia believed by some to be a corruption of the Kamba version.

      So, naturally, we can conclude the sign writer was merely influenced by her deep familiarity with 19th century geography (ahem).

    3. I guess I can give you proof. Because I'm the girl in the picture. And here's the article that was written about it:

  4. She must be related to this guy: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-a-brain-morans

    1. I've published that photo at least a dozen times on Sandwalk. Does anyone have any examples of similar photos from someone on the left side of the political spectrum?

    2. Well, there's "Repeel Congress" which could be considered at the very least bipartisan.

  5. No evidence. It's just a hunch based on her smile. It looks a little snarky to me.

  6. Based on the look on her face I think she is doing this under duress.

  7. Larry says,
    "even though spelling is not one of my own strengths."

    While "there" should be spelled "their," the use of "their" is also incorrect. The poster should read, "A village somewhere in [Kenya] is missing [its] idiot."

  8. Rick Santorum just spoke the truth: The smart people will never be on their side.

    1. That's probably the smartest thing Santorum ever said.

      I could almost feel sorry for Romney having to cosy up to the Tea Party to stand a chance of being elected (Does that make him a tea cosy?)

      Almost, but not quite.

  9. I spotted three major mistakes right away. And I am not even a native English speaker. Perhaps, for the sake of retards like this girl, you ought to reform the language to make it conform to at least some basic rules. The ability to spell every word in a few gazillion ways is surely confusing :-)

  10. So here's your proof this isn't serious:

    And that's me. Could you please either update your caption or remove the photo?
