Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vote for Jesus for President (of the United States)

PZ Myers approves of this plan to cast a vote for Jesus [An excellent suggestion for the Bible-believing Christians].

Isn't there a problem? Who's going to produce a valid birth certificate?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I realize that this post is supposed to be amusing, but in Canada there is another way to signal your dissatisfaction: A Rejected Ballot

    "A Rejected Ballot is one that cannot be counted because it is improperly marked. The easiest way is to make no mark or select two or more choices. Elections Canada reports the number of Rejected Ballots.

    This is different from a Spoiled Ballot; one that is altered, defaced or destroyed. Spoiling a ballot is contrary to the Canada Elections Act and conviction could bring a $500 fine or three months in jail. So please do not spoil you[r] ballot, not only is it against the law but spoiled ballots are not reported by EC."


  3. Sounds like a plan. Having elected the first Afro-American president in 2008, it's time to elect the first Jewish president in 2012.

  4. I don't see a birth certificate as a problem. I'm sure that one of those stores on Queen St. can easily provide Jesus with one for $30 or so. The real problem is that once elected Jesus will probably be way too liberal for the yanks. Remember that one about the meek shall inherit the earth. I'm not sure that will sit very well with the old male white Republican base.

    1. Who said anything about Republicans? Isn't it Democrats who will vote for Jesus because he's so much like Barack Obama?

      I still think the birther thing could be problem. There weren't any birth announcements in American newspapers back in 4 BC and I'm pretty sure his father wasn't an American.

    2. There weren't any birth announcements in American newspapers back in 4 BC and I'm pretty sure his father wasn't an American.

      His mother wasn't a US Citizen either.

  5. Larry,

    sorry to jack your thread. However, given that junk DNA vs. IDiots is one of your pet peeves, you may find it of interest that Casey Luskin over at "Evolution News & Views" posted a list of Top 10 Problems for Evolution, of which #9 is "Myth of Junk DNA".

    I posted a detailed comment citing Larry as my authority, spanking Luskin pretty well. He doubled down on his false claims. I plan to respond to his double down.

    Here is a rare chance to get them on the Myth of Junk DNA. Watch them evade.

  6. way ahead of you my friend..with over 210,000 on board..will be over a million by election day www.votingforjesus.com

    1. If Yeshua of Nazareth is elected, what assurance do we have that he will show up to take the oath of office? Just in case he can't make it, who do the folks behind this effort propose as his vice-presidential running mate?

  7. A valid birth certificate! Shouldn't be a problem as there are quite a few men born in the USA whose first name is Jesus. It is not an uncommon name.
