Monday, November 07, 2011

Professor or Hobo?


Can you tell the difference between a Professor and a hobo? Joseph Somody has posted a quiz. Check it out: Professor or Hobo?.

Joseph is the undergraduate winner of Monday's Molecule #147. I'll be having lunch with him on Wednesday. If you have any other pictures of professors or hobos, you could post a link in the comments and I'll be sure to pass them long. (Joseph will probably read them anyway.)

I'm thinking we could do a similar quiz for students—something along the lines of "university student or not?" There are plenty of pictures on facebook that professors could use.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! I only got 8/10, and I even recognized Dr. Sterelny with Prof. Steve Steve.

    In my experience, you could do the same test with any male member of a university paleontology or geology department.
