Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Carnival of Evolution #41

This month's Carnival of Evolution (41st version) is hosted by Anne Buchanan, from the Anthropology Department at Pennsylvania State University (USA). She blogs with her friends at the mermaid's tale: The Carnival of Evolution #41.
Each month, a fascinating hodge-podge of evolution-themed posts from blogs both big and small is collected in a single place and heralded far and wide. Or as far and wide as interested bloggers can herald it. Evolution is a broad topic with broad areas of agreement, some controversy (within the science itself), and regular surprises. So, if you're interested in evolutionary issues, post, tweet, text, or even speak the 41st CoE!
The next Carnival of Evolution will be hosted by Psi Wavefunction at The Ocelloid. You can submit your articles for next month's carnival at Carnival of Evolution. Here's the website: Carnival of Evolution.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent carnival this month from The Mermaid's Tale - have just linked to it on Genome Engineering at http://www.genome-engineering.com/carnival-of-evolution-41-at-the-mermaids-tale.html
