Friday, September 09, 2011

Keep the Faith—but not in Our Schools

Coalition Calls for Defunding of Catholic Boards, End to Discrimination Against Gays in Publicly Funded Schools


The Canadian Secular Alliance and its allies are hosting a rally in front of the Legislature at Queen's Park on Sunday, September 18 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. to demand:

• The end of the over $500 million taxpayer subsidization for the promotion of the Roman Catholic religion. Public funding for the expensive duplicate school system must be eliminated to provide one secular publicly funded school system.

• The protection of equality rights for all students—including gay students—by ending the constitutional privilege afforded Roman Catholics to overrule legislation and the courts in favour of religious dogma.

"Equality for all students means ending privileged access to public schools for favoured religious services," says CSA President Greg Oliver.

Speakers represent a cross section of the religious and non-religious.

More information: Canadian Secular Alliance


  1. "Equality for all students means ending privileged access to public schools for favoured religious services," says CSA President Greg Oliver.

    Don't understand this statement.
    Who has privileged access to public schools for religious services?

    Are there religious services in the public school system?
    I think they should only be in the Catholic school system.

  2. "The protection of equality rights for all students—including gay students—by ending the constitutional privilege afforded Roman Catholics to overrule legislation and the courts in favour of religious dogma."

    If they have a constitutional right, then the legislation must be invalid, if it tries to overrule a constitutional right.
    People generally are all in favor of constitutional rights. Are we being asked now to shutdown constitutional rights and protections?
    If some people think the constitutional right is not to their liking, then use the agreed-upon legislative means to modify the constitution.

  3. Down here in Texas we have the Texas Freedom Network, the organization with the most Orwellian name I know of. They oppose vouchers fanatically. What they believe in is a Henry Ford kind of "freedom." You can have any kind of education for your kids that you want - just so long as it's the one kind they approve of. Sorry, Larry, but you are with the enemies of freedom on this one.

  4. Totally confused here, are you saying that in Canada there are publically funded Catholic Schools?

    In the US, there is some public funding in parochial schools, though apparently that's for covering the cost of state mandated exams.

  5. @Schenck Totally confused here, are you saying that in Canada there are publically funded Catholic Schools?t

    That's exactly what Larry is saying.

    I'm an alumni of the publicly funded Ontario Catholic school system and it is exactly as described.

  6. steve oberski are you saying that non-Catholics are forced to pay for the schooling of Catholics?

    Or are the Catholics forced to pay for the schooling of non-Catholics?

  7. I'm saying the religious indoctrination of children by an organization run by pedophiles that can't keep their cocks in their cassocks but dare to force their perverted morality on the world is funded by the Ontario taxpayer.

    Sorry I didn't make that clearer in my previous post.
