Saturday, July 16, 2011

Insulting Religion by Pat Condell

The accommodationists aren't gonna like this ...


  1. Ah, that satisfied my MDRR (Minimumm Daily Rant Requirement)

  2. Why do you think an accommodationist would object to anything said in that video? Given that he sets it up as a series of conditionals ("If you insult me, I shall insult you"), it seems entirely reasonable to say what he has said. Also, this accommodationist, at any rate, has always said nobody is immune from being offended.

  3. John, I also thought that accomodationists would have a huge problem with it, because he says he will not respect their religious views. I thought this respect was a hallmark of accomodationism.

  4. The accomodationist stance seems to boil down to "ideas and institutions deserve respect but people do not".

    By automatically according respect to desert dogma inspired homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia the underlying accommodationist assumption seems to be that the holders of such beliefs are not mature enough to handle any criticism of their ideas and must be treated like mentally disabled persons not competent to manage their own lives.

    And what could be more disrespectful than that ?

  5. I wish we would see evolutionary biologists attacking religious creationism and ID in this manner. Dawkins isn't enough.

    I am not in favor of accommodation. I prefer a showdown where one person loses and other wins.I want to see Darwinism-Evolutionism-Atheism comprehensively insulted in every church, temple and mosque and I would equally hope that every evolutionist would attack religious creationism from the pulpit of the lecture theater.

    There can be no compromise or middle ground. Why do you think I call myself "Atheistoclast" or "smaher of the atheist"? I have nothing but utter contempt for atheists and atheism.

  6. It seems to me that only the Muslims demand the right not to be insulted.
    Jews and Christians would prefer that people not insult them but generally accept that others have the right to do so.
    It seems to me to be a mistake to lump Muslims in with Jews and Christians. Muslims are a different category.

  7. Why do you think I call myself "Atheistoclast"

    Because you are actually ashamed of your incoherent ramblings and not willing to affix you real name to them ?

  8. I have had sex that wasn't as gratifying as that...only wish I had the intellect to come up with that myself.

    Muy gracias.

  9. I dunno. Some people love this kind of thing. Despite being an atheist myself, I find Pat Condell tiresome. Listening to him is like listening to the Rev. Ian Paisley, and one of them in Britain is enough.

    Foaming rants like Pat's never moved me. Soaring revelations about reality a la Carl Sagan, that's what did it for me. I'd rather leave the emotional muck-raking to people for whom it's the last defence of stuff that's made-up... theists.

  10. @barefoot hiker

    I don't think there is one right or best way to do this.

  11. @ Steve Oberski

    Well, I'm not one to go in for absolutes myself. But I do subscribe to the "more flies with honey", etc., theory of things. I was just over at Pharyngula reading the latest posts, and given what I just said about being swayed by Sagan's uplifting efforts, I was really surprised and delighted to read this comment from someone else to PZ Myers...

    Hello professor,

    ...I used to be a "Muslim by flavor"; never really believed in hell, I agreed with the scientific biography of the cosmos but would say "it's all guided"...

    Long story short, as I moved away from home in Jordan and made it to the US and then Europe, what was previously censored and unreachable became available. It was when I finished watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos in 09 that finally declared to myself: "no more bullshit!". Life has been quite a joy since.

    It's just one example, I admit, but it's harder for me to imagine someone getting this kind of reaction out of listening to someone like Pat Condell tear people down instead of excite the mind with the real wonders that science has revealed and continues to reveal for us.

  12. 1. What's the insult to Condell?

    IMHO, the average believer does not insult non-believers (take for example, the muslim quoted by barefoot hiker above), only fanatics do. So, Condell should specify whom he is insulting as a revenge to which insults.
    All he says in this respect is that he feels insulted as soon as anybody or any institution allows itself jurisdiction over him. That would seem to be anarchism. How's he supposed to live in a society, state, etc.? Does he go around insulting judges, lawyers, etc.?

    2. What's the peace symbol meant to signify, given that he just declared war?


  13. @Joe,

    I have spent 47 years studying science at the university level. Much of that time has been devoted to studying molecular evolution.

    The majority of Christians in America think that I'm totally wrong about the fundamental core of my chosen discipline and most of them are not afraid to say this (loudly) in public.

    I consider that to be extremely insulting.

  14. @Larry,

    if that's true I'd have to consider the majority of Christians from the Americas as fanatics.


  15. Moran is "extremely insulted".
    I imagine that those thinkers who believed that the sun went around the earth were insulted at the upstart idea that the earth goes around the sun.
    After all, those geocentric thinkers had spent years studying epicycles and had the charts and proof to show up those upstarts.

  16. Anonymous writes:

    I imagine that those thinkers who believed that the sun went around the earth were insulted at the upstart idea that the earth goes around the sun.

    After all, those geocentric thinkers had spent years studying epicycles and had the charts and proof to show up those upstarts.

    Yes, it's all very similar to the thinking prevalent in those days that living things were created/designed, rather than evolved.

  17. On second thought I'd ratehr stick to what Eugenie Scott says about most Christians. Moslems, and Jews.


  18. My favorite insult:

    "I'm trying to read your mind, but I keep drawing a blank."
