Monday, June 20, 2011

Texas Prayed and God Answered

Back in April, Governor Rick Perry of Texas proclaimed a weekend of prayer (Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011). Texans were supposed to pray for God to relieve the terrible dought [Pray for Texas].

Bill Maher reminded me that it's been several months since Texans prayed so it's time to analyze the results.

On the site US Drought Monitor there are maps of the USA showing region of drought. The top map below shows the regions with severe drought (dark brown) for April 26, 2011, right after all the praying. The second map (below) shows regions of drought on June 14, 2011.

It looks like God hates Texas and/or Rick Perry. I'm told that Governor Perry is thinking of running for President of the United States. Is this a good idea?


  1. Even worse than this boneheaded stunt, Rick Perry is joining up with the insane hatemonger Bryan Fischer and his American Family Association for a big prayer meeting in Houston.

    I guess they're gonna jump around, mumble to their favorite sky fairy, and whip the crowd into a frenzy to march resolutely into the dark ages.

  2. Given that Governor Perry would be joining wingnut Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann and, if she decides to run, nutcase Sarah Palin, he doesn't seem too far out of the mainstream Rethuglican Party.

  3. Christians think their God's gift to the world. Seems their God wants them to suffer. That's love for ya.

  4. It'll start raining know...the actual rainy season this fall/winter, and when it happens, God will be credited, for He consistently answers prayers like the seasons.

  5. Yes, but prayer obviously worked! Before, 100% of Texas was in drout. Now there is a small corner in extreme Northeastern Texas that is drout-free! What else could explain this miracle?

  6. Wait! We need to see what it looked like just BEFORE the big prayer-fest. Maybe prayer just has a very short half-life, or a severe rebound effect.

  7. It's a Fantastic Idea - since he would step down as Governor, and maybe we can have someone with at least half a brain instead of a would-be Pope. He'd have no chance of winning, so he'd be shuffled off to a FOX News spot, like all the other wingnut has-beens.

  8. hear we go again, pitting faith and science against each other. if science is so important, which of course is, then why bash and criticize the folks who need to be informed by it the most? if you want people to be convinced of scientific evidence then stop with the God, Santa, and Easter bunny malarky and focus on education. would you be open to being educated by a bunch of religious fundies? well that's exactly who you folks have become, athiestic fundies. open heart, open mind. closed heart, closed mind. please stop alienating the people you need to bring on board to save this crazy consumer driven society from self destruction.

  9. Judging from the summer map, god also hates NM, LA, OK and GA. Ergo, the prayer had no effect :-)

  10. I personally believe that Texans are unable to point out Texas on a map because some people out there in your nation don't have maps... That's why God lets all the rain fall down in Germany. :-)

  11. Anonymous on Monday 10:15 pm

    Your post doesn't make sense; you're ranting again.

  12. "god also hates NM, LA, OK and GA."

    Let's not forget the AZ wildfires, and others burning in the southwest. Nothing to do with climate change and dryness of course, but rather environmentalist idiots who want to protect the spotted owl and kill the logging industry.

  13. I don't suppose the fact that Texas got some (very helpful) rain yesterday is going to change any minds...

  14. "I don't suppose the fact that Texas got some (very helpful) rain yesterday is going to change any minds..."

    I prayed for the sun to rise today, and what do you know. . ..
    it did! Therefore, my prayer worked!

  15. AMW: Where was the rain helpful? From today's Houston Chronicle:
    Unfortunately Wednesday's rains won't break the region's drought and will prove a short reprieve. After another chance of showers Thursday, forecasters with the National Weather Service say a high pressure ridge will reassert control by Friday, leading to hot days with highs in the upper 90s and warm nights with lows in the upper 70s.

    Rain chances, accordingly, will also drop to near zero.

    Read more:

  16. waldteufel and Anonymous,

    My only point is that it's disingenuous to treat the day of prayer as a scientific test of theism if one has no intention to change one's mind regardless of the outcome. If it had rained immediately/shortly after the day of prayer I'm reasonably confident Larry would have shrugged it off as coincidence or let it go without comment.

  17. AMW says,

    My only point is that it's disingenuous to treat the day of prayer as a scientific test of theism if one has no intention to change one's mind regardless of the outcome. If it had rained immediately/shortly after the day of prayer I'm reasonably confident Larry would have shrugged it off as coincidence or let it go without comment.

    Welcome to the world of science (and rationalism)!

    If it had rained after the weekend of prayer there would be two possible explanations: God made it rain or it was a coincidence. There's no good way of distinguishing between those possibilities although I will concede that atheists and religious fanatics will tend to believe one explanation over another.

    However, if the drought intensifies in the three months after the weekend of prayer there are fewer possibilities. On the surface it looks an awful lot like praying was ineffective.

    What explanation do you offer?

  18. AMW, you are making the extraordinary claim that Governor Perry mumbling to his sky fairy will cause said sky fairy to change the weather to the Governor's satisfaction.

    We await with great anticipation your presentation of the extraordinary evidence that will support your claim.

    Thank you.

  19. *chirp . .. . . . .chirp . . . . . .waiting for evidence . . .
    chirp . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .


    Creationists always do two things: Lie and run from the evidence.

  20. It's now August 5 and there's STILL no rain. GOD HATES RICK PERRY.

  21. August 21 and Texas is still drought stricken. It is obvious to me that the prayers of Texans have had an effect--they have prevented rain. This, of course a reflection on the wickedness of praying Texans.
