Monday, April 04, 2011

Toronto Skeptics in the Pub

Join us on Friday, April 15, 2011 at the Fox & Fiddle, 27 Wellesley St., Toronto for an event sponsored by the Association for Science and Reason (ASR).

The speaker will be me and the subject is The Accommodationist Wars.


  1. Grrrh! I'd love to be there, but my flight back from Edmonton doesn't get in until 11:30 pm.

  2. I hope, after Larry’s presentation to the Association for Science and Reason, he will post an abstract at Sandwalk. I’m curious about whether Larry will address the fact (explicit in Humanist Manifesto I and implicit in Humanist Manifesto III, plus any number of reputable dictionaries, and a U.S. Supreme Court decision) that atheism is a religion (albeit non-theistic) meeting all the criteria associated with a human belief system that manifests worship and devotion. If his talk addresses atheism as a religion, he could provide two significant benefits.
    1. He could provide a scholarly defense and definitive definition of atheism as a non-religion, and
    2. He could resolve all the apparent contradictions inherent in debates about atheistic accommodationism.

  3. @Denny Perhaps you could write Larry's presentation for him and save him all the bother.

  4. Denny asks,

    I hope, after Larry’s presentation to the Association for Science and Reason, he will post an abstract at Sandwalk. I’m curious about whether Larry will address the fact (explicit in Humanist Manifesto I and implicit in Humanist Manifesto III, plus any number of reputable dictionaries, and a U.S. Supreme Court decision) that atheism is a religion (albeit non-theistic) meeting all the criteria associated with a human belief system that manifests worship and devotion.

    Denny, I don't believe in the existence of any supernatural beings. Therefore I am an atheist. I also don't believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. None of these non-beliefs qualify as religions.

    I am not a humanist so I can't comment on that particular belief.

    If his talk addresses atheism as a religion, he could provide two significant benefits.
    1. He could provide a scholarly defense and definitive definition of atheism as a non-religion, and ...

    Done. It's no more of a religion than non-belief in anything else. Denny, I assume that you don't believe in the Hindu gods. Does that mean you belong to the religion of non-Hinduism? Do you also practice the religion of non-Mormonism?

    2. He could resolve all the apparent contradictions inherent in debates about atheistic accommodationism.

    I'll do my best on that one but I won't promise to post anything.

    Care to list a few of these contradictions just to help me out?
