Sunday, September 12, 2010

Right On! is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is academic and happy most of the time.
Except that I'm only 64. See

I was so impressed by the accuracy of this analysis that I decided to check out some other blogs. Here's the result for Post-Darwinist. is probably written by a male somewhere between 26-35 years old. The writing style is academic and upset most of the time.
I don't think Denyse O'Leary is going to be happy about this! Three of the four conclusions are wrong. The only one they got right is that she is upset most of the time.

On the other hand, John Wilkins will probably be pleased with, is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is academic and upset most of the time.
It's always flattering to come across as being older and wiser than you really are!

Hat Tip: Friendly Atheist: This is Why You Can’t Trust Blog-Analyzing Websites


  1. Who is going to assume the mantle of defending evolutionary theory when the current golden generation is forced to retire?

    There are many budding creationists and IDers ready to take over from Behe and Sanford.

  2. It's not that I'm old and grumpy, but that I really should have been born in the Steam Punk era, around 1855. I'm actually 55 this year.

    But I'm older and more curmudgeonly than Larry? Wow. I really better lighten up.

  3. Reza asks,

    Who is going to assume the mantle of defending evolutionary theory when the current golden generation is forced to retire?

    I don't know. All younger scientists have completely abandoned evolution. Evolutionary theory will probably die when the current senior generation retires. That's likely to happen within ten years or so.

    There are many budding creationists and IDers ready to take over from Behe and Sanford.

    I bet there are.

  4. Did you test my blog? I got:

    "is probably written by a female somewhere between 36-50 years old. The writing style is personal and happy most of the time."

    The age parameter was a tight race - 21% probability of 26-35 and 25% probability 36-50.

    Pretty good!

  5. Larry:

    I don't see the same will to fight in the younger generation that I see in the senior one. They lack the charisma that yourself, Ken Miller, PZ, Coyne and the other 'gods of evolution' display.

    You know that science is as much about the communication and presentation of ideas as it is about methodology and research. That is what Sandwalk is all about.

    The new generation of creationists are better informed and confident than their predecessors in the Old Guard.

    Let us not forget that this is an existential struggle in the realm of ideas and knowledge.

  6. atheistoclast, you're trolling is really getting quite painfully obvious these days.

  7. And the fact that The Ten Commandments was a big-budget film doesn't make it literal history. For that matter the general outlines of Rome and The Tudors were documentable, but that doesn't mean that either series was much for historical accuracy.

    In short, production values have nothing to do with the truth of the content.

  8. Neato! Alright, it was way off on my age (I'm half that), but it got my gender (male) and writing style (upset) correct. :P I'm not sure I would call my blog academic though. It's more random than that.

  9. HA-HA!

    " is probably written by a female somewhere between 26-35 years old. The writing style is personal and upset most of the time."
