Thursday, September 23, 2010

Come As You Are

Arriving at the train station this morning I was greeted by an Anglican priest in full regalia. He and his buddies were handing out pamphlets urging us to attend church this Sunday. He was delighted to have his picture taken and took it all in excellent spirit, even though he knew I wasn't religious.

The train station event was part of a "back to church" campaign on behalf of the the Church of England [Bishops' call to 'come as you are' this Sunday].

Don't worry about dressing up. They'll be happy to see you no matter what you're wearing.

Cute idea. If you have to go to church next Sunday then your local Anglican church in Canada or the UK is far better than some of the alternatives.

The fact that churches are having to advertise is a very good sign. It brought a smile to my face and made my day.

Cool outfit, by the way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Come as you are"?

    Except of course the priests, who will be wearing colourful long-flowing evening gowns and pointy hats....

  3. Interesting comparative difference:

    1. Anglicans: friendly modest ministers greet you and ask for some of your time and business for a cause they believe in. No sale? No big deal.

    2. Catholics: a Pope or a Cardinal arrives in your country, largely on your public dime, and compares a large segment of your citizenry to Hitler. Also offers apology for all those pesky rapes. No sale? Then you are officially disinvited through excommunication.

  4. "The fact that churches are having to advertise is a very good sign."

    Churches have always advertised: signs in front of the church inviting you to the church, ads in the papers giving the days and times of their services. However, the fact that representatives of established churches now have representatives stand at street corners or in this case, train stations, is a very good sign.

    "If you have to go to church next Sunday then your local Anglican church in Canada or the UK is far better than some of the alternatives."

    You forgot to mention that if you are a well known Anglican like John Henry Newman and convert to Roman Catholicism, you may become a candidate for sainthood.

  5. One small addedum - that's not just a priest pictured, but Bishop Phil Poole, one of the area bishops of the Diocese of Toronto.

    Also, he's a pretty awesome dude.
