Sunday, February 28, 2010

Canada 3  :  USA 2



  1. Congratulations ... curling's important, right?

  2. Fabulous game. So much talent on the ice in a fast-paced, fight-free game. Hockey at its finest. I was rooting for the U.S. but I'm happy to see Canada win on home turf. Congrats to our brothers up north who are sitting on one of the largest reserves of fresh water in the world. If history (and Dick Cheney) provides any lesson for the future, you can expect that we'll invade you for your fresh water in about 20 to 30 years. Drink up!

  3. Flew into Vancouver about 10min after this. And then got on the train. Loudest anthems ever. Between every stop. And endless honking in the streets. My eardrums hurt.

    Apparently, Canadians -can- get patriotic. Who knew. =P

    I generally cheer for Russia, but what the hell: Yay Canada!!! =D

  4. I, of course, was cheering for the USA. But Canada won it fair and square. Congratulations. At least is wasn't as one-sided as the women's match was.

  5. I think Miller should be awarded honorary Canadian citizenship to go with his MVP award.

  6. An outstanding game. Good thing the Canadians won, too. As one Boston wag put it, if they'd lost (after the 2-0 lead) the entire country would've had a nervous breakdown.


  7. Johns Wilkins and Pieret: wow, those curlers sure wear lots of body armour!

    And who would have thought that a guy called Sidney would ever be a heroic sportsman?

  8. I've just about given up on the NHL style of play, and after seeing the quality and pace of that final game on Sunday I'll not be able to watch another for a long time. It was the most exciting hockey game I've watched in many years, so good that it was a shame that somebody had to lose.
