Friday, September 04, 2009

Kiefer Sutherland Comments on Universal Health Care

You may be asking yourself why you should pay attention to an actor when it comes to health care. Watch and learn why.

[Hat Tip: Jennifer Smith who found the original video, made for a Tommy Douglas tribute at the 2006 NDP Convention. Does this mean that Jack Bauer is a commie?


  1. Ah, the Sutherlands warm my heart. Kiefer's dad is my home province's one big claim to Hollywood fame.

  2. I found a new animation to go along with Douglas' "Mouseland" speech. It's classic and a great case for American liberals to re-consider how much we support the Democrats.

  3. "Janeane Garofolo: As actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers, and then say what we read on television like it's our own opinion." From a movie, Team America.

  4. Glad to see some of Hollywood standing up for universal health coverage.

  5. They had to waterboard him to make him say that!
