Saturday, September 19, 2009

An Entire Generation Is Being Brainwashed

Kirk Cameron warns us that an entire generation is being brainwashed. You might be surprised at who gets the blame ...

You'll also be surprised at some of the other claims in this video. Have you ever wondered why we call them IDiots? Here's why ...


  1. Notice 'dimwit' written across his front?
    No? Listen and you'll see it clearly.

  2. No reason to worry... their focus is on "doctors, lawyers and politicians"

  3. One wonders why the book - or at least the introduction - is not posted for free in PDF form on their website...

  4. Alan Thicke, you failed as a parent.

  5. So are we all going to wait for the campus crusaders and rip out the first 50 pages when the day comes?

  6. I didn't even know who Kirk Cameron was until I googled him. He's just a TV actor who also is a born-again Christian evangelist, and he's using his fame to promote his views. Too bad - and too bad that many young people are likely to listen to his ignorant, anti-intellectual and anti-science claims. He's also unafraid to make extreme statements - after the bit where he links Darwin to Hitler, I had had enough and stopped watching.

  7. Oh, so it's science that's brainwashing us, rather than a religion that condemns anyone for thinking differently. Darwin was a racist and a misogynist? Then Christians should love him. They're all about preaching intolerance.

  8. I note that the bible is also in the public domain.

  9. I note that the bible is also in the public domain.

    Awesome idea! Lets hand out bibles with our own 50-page prefix, that includes not only science, but also points out all the juicy bits in the bible that most Christians never read.

  10. It would be more fun to write and hand out an 'Introduction to the Introduction' which mines the obvious Kirk Cameron / Hitler connections.

    Do unto others, you know...
