Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Trouble with NCSE

I am a member of National Center for Science Education (NCSE). That does not mean I agree with everything they do. My biggest bone of contention is over their accommodationist tactics [National Academies: Science, Evolution and Creationism, Appeasers, Spaghetti Monsters, and NCSE].

I don't like the fact that NCSE cozies up to theistic evolutionists like Ken Miller and Francis Collins while, at the same time, actively distancing itself from vocal atheist scientists like Richard Dawkins. I think NCSE shouldn't takes side and shouldn't promote the idea that science and religion are compatible.

Jerry Coyne agrees. He has published a lengthy essay on his blog where he takes NCSE to task [Truckling to the Faithful: A Spoonful of Jesus Helps Darwin Go Down]. I have warned many people at NCSE that they risk losing the support of non-theist scientists but, for the most part, they think the risk is worth it.

I wonder if they still think that way?

1 comment:

  1. I have warned many people at NCSE that they risk losing the support of non-theist scientists but, for the most part, they think the risk is worth it.I suspect that the NCSE doesn't view this as a plausible risk, given that the NAS promotes a similar position and the academy members are overwhelmingly non-theists.
