Monday, March 09, 2009

International Women's Day

Yesterday (Sunday) was International Women's Day.

Ms. Sandwalk and I celebrated by buying a new monitor for her computer. The monitor was designed and marketed by an American company and assembled in Asia (probably by women) using parts that were produced in five or six other countries.

Hey, don't knock it! What did you do to celebrate international women yesterday?

Apparently men in Russia celebrate a little differently.


  1. It's so like you to be a day late and many bunches of flowers sorry :)

    You have Russian roots, so I will be informing your Mother and your Daughter of this "folklore". We'll be expecting posies next year.

    You mean to say I got a monitor instead of roses!!!

  2. Leslie Jane Moran says,

    You mean to say I got a monitor instead of roses!!!

    That's right. Count yourself lucky you got anything! :-)

    When is International Men's Day?
