Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here's What Fox News Thinks of Canada's Military

The ignorance in this segment makes me very angry. Can anyone tell me what the US military is protecting Canada from? The Iraqis? Cubans? The people of Granada or Panama? Kosovo? Afghanistan? Lebanon? Maybe the Somalis, or the Vietnamese?

Canada has only been invaded once in its history (1812) and it wasn't by any of those countries.

Does this embarrass any of my American friends, especially those who like to defend the American media?

[Hat Tip: Canadian Cynic]


  1. Indistinguishable from a parody (actually, if 22 Minutes did a sketch like this, it would not even be believable).

  2. Please please please do not include the word "Thinks" and "Fox News" in the same sentence unless the negative is included.

    The problem I have with this is not necessarily the hate and stupidity, that exists everywhere. Nope I am most disturbed by the high profile given to a bunch of adults acting like junior high schoolers.

  3. As far as I know, "red eye" is a "news parody" show that goes on very late at night. It's true they are still detestable fox neocons, but hey, they also have the right to play like theyvare witty on their dumb little comedy shows (Colbert, of course, woops their ass)

    Don't get so worked IS supposed to be a joke, you know.

  4. Been to their site, nothing about it being a padody anywhere on their page, including the 'about' section.

    Of course, it isn't stated explicitly on Onion News Networks site either. These guys just act more serious than ONN, until they get into the joke.

  5. But everything about Faux News is a joke, so why should this be any different?

  6. It is a parody, the only debate would be over whether it is an acknowledged parody. Stooping to make fun of someone's name? Eh, take off hosers.

  7. The white house is white for a reason. Canadians burned it after chasing the American Invaders back home and they had to paint it over. If memory serves me correct, there is an area in the white house that has left some of the original burn marks with a plaque giving consideration to the consequence of action. Can anybody find a resource describing this?

  8. The segment is an embarrasing bullshit, yep.

    To answer your question though:

    Can anyone tell me what the US military is protecting Canada from?

    From Russian nuclear attack. That's what NORAD is there for. One can argue if it makes much sense or how effective it is, but the reality as it stands now remains: from Russia.

  9. DK:

    NORAD is a joint US and Canadian agency.

  10. Canada has been invaded numerous times when you take into account the perspective of it's pre-Columbian inhabitants.

    The Americans have invaded Canada twice, not only in 1812 but in 1775 as part of their big conniption.

    If they invade again and we win, we get to keep America.

  11. To T Giddens:
    NORAD is a joint US and Canadian agency.

    I know that. Canada's share of NORAD budget is around 10-15%. (Nothing's wrong with it, just sayin')

  12. Hey Mike: now's your chance, while the US military is in total disarray! Sneak in via the back door (i.e., Montana) and it's yours for the taking!

  13. DK:
    If Canada's share of the NORAD budget is 10-15%, then we're pulling our weight on a per capita basis with this particular agency. The Canadian NORAD Region, the largest of three regions, is under Canadian command and control. The Deputy Commander of NORAD is a Canadian. I take your point, though - it could be argued that we are protected by the sheer size (and nuclear capability) of our American ally.

    A. Vargas:
    The clip from the Fox News program was a disgrace, parody or not. Too many brave, young Canadians have lost their lives in Afghanistan to let that BS ride.

  14. I visited Ottawa back in 2000 (to run in the footraces associated with the Tulip Festival) and took in a few museums. I was a bit surprised to see that Canada saw the War of 1812 as aggression from the United States; our view is that this was a scrap between us and the British; after all Canada wasn't even a sovereign nation until 1867, no?

  15. Col Kilgore
    As a proud Canuck , i am increasingly distressed that our kids are there, at all, and dying in greater numbers lately too. It even bothers me more due to my beliefs in the event (911) that sent them there in the first place. I support the troops but have no faith in the mission now. I disliked the Taliban the minute they started blowing up 2000 year old artifacts long before 911. The world is full of repressive and crazy regimes. I just cant see any benefit to Canada to stay there a minute longer. I know the individual soldier will get a certain amount of satisfaction out of helping some of the people there but it seems like a bottomless pit of despair otherwise. But, being a NATO ally and being an honourable country we supported our friends, the Americans, and committed Canadian resources and blood to the effort in Afghanistan.
    Letting right wing freaks belittle our efforts and blood wont do much to endear the Canadian public anyways. Some of these people need to get out and stand, along the " Highway Of Heros " in Ontario, in the freezing cold as our fallen are brought home to rest. There will be thousands of people out this week too as our latest fallen heros are brought home. People routinely line the road and bridges to pay their respects en masse for every soldier carrying flags and saluting as they pass. As far as the fighting spirit of Canadians? You might want to ask the German SS Panzer groups we decimated after D-Day.

    Plus, as for America protecting Canada, protecting Canada from who? Russia, Mexico, N. Korea, um, Iran? As far as I know the only county ever to invade Canada was the US and that resulted in their imminent retreat and a burned presidential house later painted white to cover the scorches, The White House.

    Suck it FOX News.

  16. Years ago learned the phrase "consider the source". Applying that in this instance I wouldn't recognize them with a comment on their banter. Got bigger to fry in my life.

  17. Note that Canadian Defence Minister Peter MacKay has just demanded an apology from Fox News. In an interview with CTV Newsnet, MacKay expressed his anger over the comments: "It's crass, it's insensitive, it's in fact disgusting given the timing where Canada is just receiving back four fallen heroes." Friday, four Canadian soldiers were killed in two separate IED blasts that injured another five soldiers. The deaths bring the total number of Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan to 116.


  18. ummmm...what American friends do you have that defend the American media? Most Americans I know, liberal and conservative both, bitch and moan about the media all the time. In fact, if you listen to the average literate American, "the media" is the root source of society's ills.

  19. Fake News missed one point about the RCMP comment. A guy riding around on a horse in a red clown suit would be enough to enforce crime because the country is not inhabited by gangs, drugged up psyco's, and trigger happy hilbillies.
