Wednesday, February 18, 2009

World of Warcraft in France

Dear WOW Spammer,

You are spamming my blog with all kinds of links to your websites in France. I don't know what you are trying to achieve because I remove every single one of your comments within a few hours. Please confirm this fact. There's isn't a single link left on Sandwalk.

This is a waste of your time and mine. Please stop.


  1. Google News was having some troubles this morning, perhaps there is some DoS activity about.

  2. This is probably a program, not a person, and they're unlikely to see your post.

    (I have to deal with all the Russian drug and porn spammers posting on my World of Warcraft forum.)

  3. This is probably a program, not a person, and they're unlikely to see your post.

    Are there programs that can get around word verification?

    Most of the spam consists of five or six comments one-after-the-other under a single posting. It looks very much like a person who is entering the correct word to verify a comment. They don't want to leave the screen until they've put up multiple comments.

  4. Yes, there are plenty of such programs, and you'd probably need a good deal more distortion to beat the good ones.

    Free porn for solving them is also common.

  5. I'm sure it's a program that probably crawled through your site, found out you did an article long ago about the science conference in Azeroth, then assumed your site had something to do with WoW and spammed away.
