Thursday, November 27, 2008

Online Curling

Even if you don't like computer games, you won't be able to resist this one. It's an online curling game on the Little Mosque on the Prairie website.

Ms. Sandwalk, Jane and Gordon are going to be so excited about this. I can hardly wait to get a tournament going with my children and their American partners, Michael, and Rachel. Such an easy way to teach them the best things about Canadian culture!!

[Hat Tip: The Unexamined Life]


  1. It's kind of a tough game to play with a touch pad.

  2. Thanks for the link. We used to curl regularly when we lived in Canada. We miss it.

  3. Canadian culture? Scottish, surely? (Yes, I realise it'll have been absorbed, etc.)

    New Zealand winters aren't as harsh as those in Canada, so it's less common here, but all the same we do the odd bit of curling in New Zealand, too. The "Deep South" has more than its share of people of Scots descent and the bonspiels at the Idaburn Dam in Central Otago are well known to Southerners.
