Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why Do We Call them IDiots? (Part CCCLXVII)

Rebecca of Skepchick writes about a YouTube fight involving a creationist.
You know what’s hilarious? Seeing a jerk get schooled. You know what’s even funnier? When the jerk happens to be a creationist who has spent a lot of time and effort filling YouTube with the same old oft-debunked creationist garbage we see all the time, and who then illegally attempts to silence his rational critics.

I’ve been following the fight between creationist VenomFangX and pure awesomeness Thunderf00t for quite some time. For an overview, watch some of Thunderf00t’s excellent series, “Why Do People Laugh at Creationists?” VFX shows up a LOT. This upset him quite a bit.

Basically, VFX filed DMCA takedown notices on Thunderf00t’s videos, despite the fact that VFX knew those notices were false and malicious. This is illegal, and Thunderf00t obtained clear proof of the action. He could have sued the living pants off VFX and had him banned permanently from YouTube, but instead, he did this:

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