Friday, October 17, 2008

Way to Heaven

This woman was greeting people at the subway stop outside of the Pharmacy Building on the university campus. You don't see this very much aroound here so I thought I take a picture.


  1. I must have missed her when I was walking past there..

  2. I saw her too. I was wondering why she picked that particular spot to stand. Probably because many students come out of the subway entrance on that corner.

  3. I did my undergraduate work at a school on the west coast of the US. The school is in a rural and fairly religious area and twice a year our student commons was visited by a band of zealots claiming that education in a university setting is sinful and that we will all going to hell.

  4. I've seen a couple of similar folks (maybe that woman, but also a man) in other parts of the city. Last one I saw was standing on an island on Steeles Avenue near Dufferin.

    I wonder how many converts they get?

  5. On the other side of her poster is a message that says

    "Please return the favor and come down to my church and tell us how science obviates the need for God - thanks!"
