Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Walking with Charles Darwin

Stavros Isaiadis posted this photograph of Darwin's walking stick on his blog Journey Through a Burning Mind [Damn those Immoral Darwinists!].

I'm sure Darwin used it while strolling on the Sandwalk. Undoubtedly the skull reminded him of his evil plan to destroy religion by publishing a book about evolution.


  1. ...also, he beat up the whale and ripped the tusks off an elephant *with his bare hands* to get the whalebone and ivory to make that stick. Because he was, y'know, evil.

    (Also: skull. Scull is what rowers do.)

  2. Well, rats... I see someone already did that joke, more or less, at the source blog.

    Dammit. There are no good lines left.

  3. Fun. I have a stange belief, that skull is famous and usedvanitas -symbol. And that's core is in cristianity.

    Suprising, that christian don't know his own religions history, mainstreams, symbols and thoughts. NOT.

  4. Thanks for the link! I will have photos from Sandwalk and Darwin's home soon enough!

    Also, don't miss Darwin Exhibition in London! It starts November 2008 at the Natural History Museum.
