Saturday, October 18, 2008

Barack Obama Is my Cousin!

George Bush and I share a common ancestor. This isn't as surprising as it might seem. Just about anyone in North America who has relatives from the British Isles will be able to trace some of their ancestors back five or six hundred years if they dig hard enough.

There's an excellent chance that you can connect at some point to several well-known lineages, usually those involving kings and queens. In my case I eventually hook up with Mary Stewart (1380 - 1458) who is the daughter of Robert III, King of Scotland. She married George Douglas (1376 - 1402).

George Bush descends from Mary's sister Elizabeth Stewart who married James Douglas, brother of George Douglas [The Ancestry of George Bush].1

Now, most of you might not be too excited about being related to George Bush but here's the good news ... I'm also related to Barack Obama according to Obama and Bush related.

That's pretty cool. It explains a lot.

1. It's possible that Bush descends from Beatrice Sinclair and not Elizabeth Stewart—the website is confusing. Even if this is an error there are several other connections.


  1. I'm not sure, but this may be grounds for divorce! Misrepresentation at the time of nuptials? Good grief. Will you STOP this digging. The last revelation of your sordid history was bad enough, but this Bush connection is horrible. I'd be pleased if you were related to Obama...what's that through..."Laurence" of Arabia"???
    He probably changed the spelling to 'Lawrence' because he found out he was related to Bush.
    I certainly wouldn't be telling anyone this even if I did know this sketchy genealogy!
    Ms. Sandwalk....get related to Darwin for heaven's sake:) Joke.

  2. Would that be Robert of the Bruce's of Scotland?

    If so, we're related.

  3. Wow! You've traced your tree far back! So is it through your granmother of granfather that you have simian decent?

  4. lesliejanemoran writes,

    I'm not sure, but this may be grounds for divorce!

    Nah, you're just jealous 'cause the oldest relatives on your side of the family were carriage makers at a time when the Model T was coming on the market.

  5. Timothy V Reeves asks,

    Wow! You've traced your tree far back! So is it through your grandmother or grandfather that you have simian decent?

    Neither. That's Ms. Sandwalk's side of the family. :-)

    (I can trace my ancestors back before the time when Jesus was born. I can even prove that I am descended from Mark Anthony, along with about 200 million other people.)

  6. George Bush and I share a common ancestor. This isn't as surprising as it might seem.

    To someone who periodically spends time thinking about organisms in an evolutionary context, this isn't surprising at all - it's a trivial truism. The only potentially surprising part would be how many generations back one has to go to find a common ancestor with any other individual.

  7. President Obama is my cousin also
