Saturday, August 09, 2008

40 Years Ago Today

Today is our 40th wedding anniversary.


  1. Congratulations Larry! Do you two have any special plans to celebrate?

  2. congrats!! That's quite an achievement.

  3. Well congrats to you and the Misses. (she must be a real saint! :)

  4. Wait a minute... is that a church you're in, there?

  5. anonymous asks,

    Wait a minute... is that a church you're in, there?

    No comment.

  6. anonymous asks,

    Wait a minute... is that a church you're in, there?

    No comment.

    No wait, please comment. I'd like to know if becoming an atheist changed your relationship with your spouse. How did you tell her? Is she an atheist as well now? Did you know you were an atheist before participating in the wedding or after? I guess these kinds of questions are important to me because I'm about to get married too, and I've realized only recently that I'm an atheist.

    Congratulations as well!
    - a different anonymous

  7. Neither of our families were particularly religious when we got married. Being a non-believer just wasn't an issue.

    Back in 1968 we didn't proclaim that we were atheists but today most people in our wedding party—and probably most of the guests—would be comfortable with that word.

    I think you know that it's a bad idea to get married without discussing your beliefs, or lack of them, with your future spouse. If it's a deal breaker then it's better to find out before the wedding than afterwards.

  8. Gee, Larry . . . If only you had been wearing an RCMP uniform . . .
    you'd look like you could be walking out of a Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy movie . . . :)

    Happy 40th!
