Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Understanding Intelligent Design

Dembski's latest book Understanding Intelligent Design is now on sale. Here's what Dembski has to say about it on his blog [Understanding Intelligent Design — now available at Amazon.com!].1.
The book is geared at Christian young people (junior high and high schoolers) as well as for Church groups (e.g., Sunday Schools) to help get out the word about ID — specifically WHAT IS IT? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? and WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT?

I was particularly concerned in writing the book to inoculate young people not only against the atheistic poison of Dawkins and Co. but also against the theological and scientific confusions of theistic evolutionists (like Ken Miller and Francis Collins). If this book does its job, both these camps will lose much of their traction with young people.
In case that's not enough to convince you to buy the book, Dembski includes the endorsements in his posting. Here's the one that will certainly make you sit up and take notice. With an endorsement like this you will know exactly how much credibility to assign to Understanding Intelligent Design.
“In my book Godless, I showed that Darwinism is the hoax of the century and, consequently, the core of the religion of liberalism. Like John the Baptist, Darwin foretold one of the key tenets of the left’s worldview: that humans are accidental descendants of earthworms, not the unique creations of an all-powerful God. Liberals respond to critics of their religion like Cotton Mather to Salem’s “witches.” With this book, two more witches present themselves for burning: Sean McDowell, whose gift is communicating with young people, and Bill Dembski, often called the Isaac Newton of Intelligent Design. I think Dembski is more like the Dick Butkus of Intelligent Design. His record for tackling Darwiniacs is unmatched. This book gives young people all the ammo they need to take on Darwinism and understand the only viable scientific alternative to Darwinism: Intelligent Design. Every high school student in America needs a copy of Understanding Intelligent Design.”

–Ann Coulter, BESTSELLING author of Godless: The Church of Liberalism

1. Some of my colleagues won't link to creationist web sites. I disagree with that policy. I think you should visit those sites often. They are the best possible advertisement against Intelligent Design.


  1. Dick Butkus of Intelligent Design

    Oh, let this stick!

  2. Glowing reviews from Egnor, Coulter, Johnson, AND Crocker!?! I know what I'm reading next!

  3. Methinks Dembski and McDowell could better be described as the "Beavis and Butthead" of ID.

    A couple of god-bothering science illiterates blathering nonsense.


  4. So he's no longer afraid to explicitly state that ID is for Christians?

    I thought that was meant to be a 'secret'?

  5. So... is this meant exclusively for Xtian groups? If so, then the appeal of ID is no wider than that of Biblical Creationism. Dumbski should have at least said that he wrote this for "the people out there that this was for religious people seeking an answer from design" (or some other statement of donkeys'-balls).

    So, now Dumbski has shown himself to be a religious bigot in addition to being a peddler of "Woo-ism"? (Why am I neither surprised nor disappointed?)

  6. Like John the Baptist, Darwin foretold one of the key tenets of the left’s worldview: that humans are accidental descendants of earthworms, not the unique creations of an all-powerful God.

    I don't think that's right. Aren't we more likely the descendants of marine worms?

  7. I wonder if he also argues against the YEC camp in this book.

  8. Sounds like a good book, and Christians realy need to know that science is on their side, and totally against the materialistic side.

    I predict that, after this book gets widely known, the National Center for Selling Evolution will have a harder time in deceiving Christians into thinking that you can be a Christian and believe that the biological world created itself.

    Oh, it's getting harder and harder to be a darwinist.

  9. .often called the Isaac Newton of Intelligent Design.

    Lets not tell her that Newton denied the existence of the trinity

    I think Dembski is more like the Dick Butkus of Intelligent Design. His record for tackling Darwiniacs is unmatched.

    Who? I've at least heard of Newton and Dumbski. Well, Dumbski is a Dick and a butt kiss, is that close enough? - Oh well, let's hope obscurity awaits.

  10. I don't think that's right. Aren't we more likely the descendants of marine worms?

    Why let a total ignorance of the theory you dont like get in the way of you criticising it - It hasn't stopped the likes of Dumbski, Ham and Behe in the past

  11. Mats this a terrible book. Science is not on the side of christianity. If you believe that your idiotic and batshit crazy.I.D and christianity have 0 evidence to back them up. This book contains redundant antievoltuion canards. The biological world did create itself. your imaginary friend had nothing to do with it. The ncse has long failed in its attempt to promote theistic evolution, because nonsense isn't compatible with facts. You're a perfect example of that.There are no darwinists. Darwin's theory has long been replaced with the modern theory of evolution. With evidence for it increasing every year it's getting harder to be a creotard.
