Thursday, July 03, 2008

Cuss Level

Canadian Cynic scored 19.5% on the Cuss-O-Meter [It's all fucking relative, isn't it?]. This isn't a big surprise, although in person (s)he doesn't swear nearly as much as on the blog.

I couldn't resist entering Sandwalk to see how I do.

Hmmm ... 5.2% of my pages have "cuss" words. I wonder what they are? Does "IDiot" count?


  1. Foul-mouthed academics, always letting fly with curses. University classes sounded like a drunken pool hall but without the camaraderie.

    Or maybe the comments are being counted against you in which case, you have very polite comments if you only get up to 5%!

  2. Gosh darn it, that seems like a reasonably low number. That's 5% of all pages, and presumably only one naughty word per page would be enough to make it count.

  3. 5% is unacceptably low for a blog authored by a baby-eating, push-grandma-down-the-stairs godless scientist and card-carrying member of the Evil Atheist Conspiracy.

  4. I garnered a hefty 66% and I try to keep it clean in case anyone in my prudish neighborhood catches wind of my blog. Either the widget is screwy or I'm mouthing off like a sailor.
