Thursday, May 15, 2008

It Happens to All of Us Eventually

We all make mistakes from time to time. Some of us make way more than others.

John Dennehy is not one of those people. His blog is excellent and he almost always comes up with wonderful citation classics that truly deserve the attention he gives them.

Today's citation classic is not one of those classics. John seems to have slipped up this time. I hope it's only temporary [This Week's Citation Classic].


  1. Perhaps you could elaborate on your difference of opinion?

  2. Cameron asks,

    Perhaps you could elaborate on your difference of opinion?

    Natural selection happens. That's not news. Natural selection happens when there's competition between species. That's not news today and it wasn't in 1979 either.

    Furthermore, the concept of arms race has been widely abused by Dawkins and other adaptationists.

  3. *clicks on link to Dennehy's site*

    *reads....sees 'Dawkins' and 'natural selection'*


    *understands what Larry meant*

  4. Thanks for explaining your objection, larry. I thought it might have something to do with this from Dennehy: "I find it interesting that Dawkins, one of the most prominent proponents of genic selection, appears here to be advocating for species selection."

  5. Sigh... perhaps next week I will return to a post of a more biochemical bent.
