Monday, April 28, 2008

Who Do You Know?

The Friendly Atheist asks ...
Who is the most famous person you know (who would admit to knowing you back)?
You can see my answer over there. Sandwalk readers might like to jump in and drop a few names.


  1. That's a tough question. The most famous person I know personally or I just know of? I think Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are the most famous people alongside Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. The most famous atheists I know is PZ Myers.

  2. I know Larry Moran. The discovery Institute hates him, so he must be OK.

  3. For me, at university I had Herbert Marcuse for a professor and with other students was sometimes invited to his house. He probably didn't notice me much. I also had Angela Davis as a teaching assistant. But that was a long time ago.

  4. I thought that I would add this documentary about the times. I know a few people in this video. "Herbert's Hippopotamus".

  5. George in Oregon

    How long and how much prompting do I get to trigger their memory of me from so many years ago?

  6. Ok,ok,you remember that Casino Rama commercial with the 3 large guys that rip off their shirts and two have 7's and the other has cherries? I know the non-speaking guy with the seven. I work with him, isn't that cool? I know, I know.
