Monday, April 07, 2008

Two Non-Scientists Talking about Science

Listen to Dr. R.C. Sproul interview Ben Stein. There are lots of very funny bits but let me pick out just one example. Here's what Ben Stein says about scientists ... (around 15 minutes)
People go into academic life in large measure because they're frightened people. They want a kind of sanctuary and uh ... so when they're attacked, or questioned even, they react very, very strongly. They're scared people, and they're really scared of Intelligent Design [Creationism] because if Intelligent Design [Creationism] is true, and if, in fact, Darwinism is ... only goes so far and only covers a small amount of the territory, all kinds of threat to their power and status arise.
Hmmmm ... I wonder why we call them IDiots?

[Hat Tip: Evolution News & Views]


  1. This fits with the strong anti-academic, anti-elist theme sewn into the creationist (and ID) arguments. Creationism fits with this theme because it is a much simpler explanation - no education needed to understand. It's the intuitively satisfying appeal to agency instead of mechanism.

  2. i hope you like the picture i posted on my blog.

  3. They're are not anti-academic. Certainly they try very hard to sound academic and like other retrograde cultural critics envy liberals their position in the academy and resent that they can’t share with them in its prestige. It really burns them that guys like D’Souza and Dembski are not the heirs apparent of Sontag and Gould.

  4. Particle physicists go into academia because they are scared of intelligent design?

    Is Ben Stein mentally ill?

  5. Steve wrote: Is Ben Stein mentally ill?

    Absolutely, positively. At least 4 mental illnesses plus terminal stupidity.

  6. And people never go into religion because they are frightened, right?
