Saturday, April 19, 2008

Discovery Institute Praises Expelled

The President of the Discovery Institute, Bruce Chapman, has posted a message extolling the virtues of the movie expelled [Discovery Salutes Expelled].
The producers of Expelled have high hopes as the film opens today.

Practical questions of theater exposures and audience awareness are things that we, as a think tank, cannot assess, of course. But we are cheering the filmmakers on. First signs look positive. The over-the-top attacks of most official reviewers--offended by the film's message, not its quality--may turn out to help in some quarters. These are the exact same reviewers who commonly tell us not to object to offensive Hollywood products, but just to judge a film for its production quality. By now a large share of the population is wise to such hypocritical standards.
So, how is the film doing so far? Not so good. You can read the reviews of Expelled on the "Expelled Exposed" website created and maintained by the National Center for Science Education (NCSE). The reviewers ratings are making this one of the worst films ever.

The people at NCSE have been working hard to debunk all the false claims in Exposed and so far they're doing an excellent job.


  1. Funny isn't it that the IDiot institution shd praise itself?

  2. RottenTomatoes has a page up for Expelled now, with a couple pages of reviews:

    It's weighing in at 9% positive, with one of two positive reviews coming from, wait for it, "Christianity Today".
    Tthe only other positive review comes from, and it's probably worth reading it, just to see what people ignorant of the issues are thinking.

  3. Disco Toot praising EXPELLED.

    Frauds praising frauds.

  4. The people at NCSE have been working hard to debunk all the false claims in Exposed and so far they're doing an excellent job.

    I think you mean the false claims in Expelled, no?

  5. "Official reviewers"? I thought the whole point was there were no "official reviewers", there having been none of the usual pre-screens that critics get...

  6. Did Bruce Chapman reveal his conflict of interest? He appears in the movie. Ben Stein ask him whether ID is religious. Terror flashes briefly through his eyes as he considers donors like Howard Ahmanson, and the famous Wedge Strategy, and Dembksi's book, Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology. Then he complains up and down about how the media has gotten it wrong all these years and ID has nothing whatsoever to do with God. The rest of the movie is quite open in linking ID with religion, and even mocking non-theistic versions of ID.

  7. Bruce Chapman writing these reviews sounds like a dodderer in his dotage.

  8. The movie is so bad that even old earth creationists don't like it.

  9. "Practical questions of theater exposures and audience awareness are things that we, as a think tank, cannot assess, of course."

    I would think that those are things a so-called think tank should try to assess. Wasn't it Bill Maher who said something like, "you can't call yourself a think thank if all your ideas are stupid".

  10. Apparently, Mr. Morans' favorite dingbat, Chris Mooney is already proclaiming the movie a success.
