Monday, April 14, 2008

Back in Canada

Vancouver Airport


  1. Ahhh... Tim Horton's!

    My wife and I have spent time recently in Nova Scotia to visit my sister who has moved there. We are thinking of joining her if we can conquer inertia in Burlington, VT, which is also a fine place to live.

    The Tim Horton's phenomena did not pass unnoticed to these eyes, and on our latest trip, I took this shot, which demonstrates what a key role T.H. plays in the lives of many Canadians. :D

  2. Glad you didn't get tasered. Not that the RCMP feels they'd have to tell anyone about it, what with their new regulations on it.

    Other than that the Vancouver airport is a pretty good place to go in and out of, although they could learn a thing or three about immigration lines from... well, most anywhere I've been except the USA.

  3. I miss Tim Hortons. I want to have a lot of honey crullers and cream-filled donuts and hot chocolate and hot minestrone soup and hot chili while watching ten feet of snow drift to the ground outside...

    Wait, I'll take that last item back.
