Saturday, February 02, 2008

Our Groundhog Is Better than Your Groundhog!


Wiarton Willie didn't see his shadow so Spring is coming.

See the video.


  1. Sorry, that's backwards. If the groundhog DOES see his shadow, he gets scared and goes back in his burrow for 6 more weeks of winter. (Yeah, i know, it didn't make any sense to me as a kid either)

  2. And what happens if he doesn't see his shadow, like today?

    It means Spring is coming early, right?

  3. (smacking self upside the head)

    Saw the photo -- Missed the *n't*

    ah, well...

  4. He's like a polar bear, except very small!

  5. If aliens from outer space happen to watch that video, they could only conclude that we are completely mad.

    (unless they too have a penchant for superstition and pandering to strange traditions)
