Monday, February 11, 2008

More Billboards in Chambersburg PA

Read all about it at Battle of the Chambersburg billboards.


  1. Heh. The banner at that news site includes a photo of a "Welcome to Chambersburg" sign. Looks like they need to add "...unless you're an atheist traitor".

    But, geez: how thin-skinned are these InGodWeTrust yahoos? FFRF puts up a rather subtle slogan -- even lower-key than the "Come To Church" bus ads the Anglican Church runs up here -- and these guys go ballistic and run this outrageous piece of hate-speech? Talk about over the top reaction.

  2. Wow!

    Read the comments at the linked site; not only are these people completely deluded, they're also incredibly idiotic; I had no idea that Pascal's Wager was so convincing for so many people.

  3. When asked about the question, "Why do atheists hate America?" Nedd gave a quick reply: "That's what we're trying to figure out. We don't know the answer."

    I always thought the line about "why do xyz hate America?" was a joke parody thing that bloggers tossed around, but that there weren't any actual real people out there in the world who thought goofy stuff like that. I guess I was wrong.

    He said his group is not saying the atheists are anti-American. However, they appear to be, he said. Still, he said, "this is a free country and everyone is free to believe what he or she chooses."

    Err, I guess I was right after all. Hrrrrm... I dunno.

  4. I always thought the line about "why do xyz hate America?" was a joke parody thing that bloggers tossed around, but that there weren't any actual real people out there in the world who thought goofy stuff like that.

    Does Ann Coulter qualify as an actual real person or not?

  5. I hate it mainly because of the stupid.

  6. The problem with Christians is that they serve 2 masters - their god and their government. But since their god's punishment is way harsher (eternity in hell) than their government's (months/years in prison) if a Christian has to choose between disobeying his god or disobeying his government, he'll probably choose to disobey his government. Therefore Christians should not be trusted since they can betray their country at any time.

    Robert M.

  7. Does Ann Coulter qualify as an actual real person or not?

    Yes but she doesn't ever believe what she says about anything. What she says and what she thinks are two different things. (I would guess.) Same goes for the InGodWeTrust sign guy, according to his own admission.

    Both are probably stirring up trouble trying to get some extra cash or attention or something.

  8. I used to say that there's no such thing as a stupid question. I take that back.
