Monday, February 04, 2008

Ann Coulter Praises Canada for Sending Toops to Vietnam

That's right. You read the title correctly. Watch the video where she's challenged about her lack of truthiness. It's hilarious.

[Hat Tip: Canadian Cynic]


  1. Ann Coulter might lack integrity, but she definitely does not lack truthiness.

    FWIW, "truthiness" means something which sounds true but is based purely on "gut feelings" and what we want to be true (but which probably isn't) rather than mere facts. It was made up by Stephen Colbert to parody the way that Bush deals with the world, but just saying stuff that he hopes is true without any concern for reality. It isn't funny way of saying "truthfulness".

    And Coulter has that in spades.

    What a disturbing video, BTW.

  2. Actually, Ann Coulter is right. Canada did send troops to Vietnam, albiet for only a short time in 1973. Via wikipedia:

    Between 28 January 1973 and 31 July 1973, Canada provided 240 peacekeeping troops to Operation Gallant, the peace keeping operation associated with the International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) Vietnam, along with Hungary, Indonesia, and Poland. Their role was to monitor the cease-fire in South Vietnam per the Paris Peace Accords.
