Monday, January 14, 2008

What Is this Dog Thinking?

If you think you know what's going on in the mind of this dog, get over to Friendly Atheist and enter the contest [Friendly Atheist Contest #14: Dog Prays to God].

Remember the rules. According to Hemant Mehta, "Funny and creative answers will have a shot at winning."

You can enter as often as you like.

Here's what the boy is thinking, "This is so embarrassing. I'm soon gonna have to break it to him that I'm an atheist."


  1. Dog - Jeebus it is hard to always have to humor this kid.

  2. Dog: "Thank God I am not an atheist."

  3. "My Master's Poise."

    "Oh FSM, give me my daily break, soon."

  4. What all dogs are thinking, all of the time:
    "Food? Food...?"

  5. "Oh great Ceiling Cat, though I am but a lowly canine....."
