Monday, December 17, 2007

It's All About Giving

Have you seen the ads on television? The stores want to convince you that the Christmas spirit is all about giving. Of course they do. And it's not just any sort of "giving" that counts; it only counts if it's expensive and new and you can put it under the tree in a pretty box. The more "giving" you do, the better it will be for Wal*Mart and Sears.

How many of you are "trapped" into buying presents for people who don't really need them? How many of you are only "giving" because you know you're going to "get" and you would feel guilty if you didn't reciprocate? Why not tell people that next year you don't need to exchange gifts in order to demonstrate your friendship?

One or two presents for close family members—more for young children—that's all we need for Chritsmas.

[Hat Tip: PZ Myers The atheist marketing failure]

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