Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Does Blogging Hurt Your Chances of Getting Tenure?

Here are two examples of academics who blog and who didn't get tenure [Too Much Information?]. Neither of them are certain that their blogs had any effect on the tenure committee but who knows for sure?

There are many blogging Assistant Professors who got tenure so it can't be all that bad. My own feeling is that blogging takes up a lot of time and those who are up for tenure might be able to make better use of that time.

[Hat Tip: Joshua Rosenau at Thoughts from Kansas (Science educator "Expelled!," Disco Inst remains silent)]


  1. I probably should do more research and less blogging; your blog is one thing that keeps me addicted to the internet! :-)

  2. Part of academia should involve the sharing of ideas, research, etc. and I believe that blogging is an appropriate method for this. I wish my professors would write blogs. It would initiate conversation and stimulate the students to think and maybe argue points with their instructors.

    It would be too bad if an educator were passed up for tenure based on their hobbies. This issue seems to parallel employers not hiring or promoting potential/employees because of their myspace or facebook pages.
