Thursday, November 01, 2007

What's Your Image?

PZ Myers is bored in San Diego so he came up with another meme for bloggers. This time we're supposed to Goggle for the first image that comes up when you enter your name [What's your image?].

Being a sucker, I fell for it. Guess what's the first photograph of real people that comes up with "Larry Moran"?

Right, it's a picture of PZ Myers (left) [A Visit to Downe]. How evil is that? Am I the only one this happened to? Is Pharyngula taking over the world?


  1. Don't feel too bad, the first image that came up for me was a basketball. I was hoping at least for a picture of myself, and would have been happy if PZ had been in the picture.

  2. All your images are belong to us.

  3. May not be so bad Larry: depends on who you think is best looking - you or PZ.
