Thursday, November 01, 2007

Denyse O'Leary's Advice to Students

Denyse O'Leary is teaching a short course on intelligent design creationism [Denyse O'Leary's University Course on Intelligent Design]. Presumably, the students in her class don't need to be afraid of making fools of themselves but it's a different story when creationists sit in on a real science course.

Not to worry. She has an answer for those students [Not a Darwinbot? Got a story? Tell it to The EXPELLED!].
I usually tell students, keep QUIET. Act like a good little Darwinbot. Question nothing, no matter how ridiculous. Practice keeping a straight face. (Anyone who laughs will be disqualified.) Get great marks.
It's called lying for Jesus.


  1. Don't they realise that God created evolution, and that by denying it they are inadvertently ensuring that they'll spend eternity in a lake of fire?

    The fools!

  2. "Question nothing, no matter how ridiculous"

    Well hey it's worked for them in church so far!

  3. Academia should filter out ppl like O'Leary.

    This is an example of academia trying to be inclusive at the expense of common sense and knowledge.

  4. I read O'Leary's blogs fairly frequently, because I like to keep up with what the IDers are saying (although honestly, after two years of reading these blogs I have yet to learn anything new about ID itself).

    Lately she seems to be on a crusade against materialism, and is quite convinced that all materialists are all unhappy nihilists without any values, morals or ethics, who have no meaning to their lives. Of course, if she actually bothered to properly engage with real materialists she would discover this is quite untrue. But no matter, she has her strawman and reality is not going to intrude on it!

    You don't have to be a trained scientist or philosopher to realize that what she is writing is pure unadulterated garbage, but I think she is smart enough to know that the 'faithful' who read her blogs won't have the necessary critical thinking skills to really detect this. After all, if you add enough links or quotes to your article and pepper it with scientific-sounding terms, who's going to tell the difference?

  5. Practice keeping a straight face. (Anyone who laughs will be disqualified.)

    Well at least that's good advice, in two ways. One, indeed it is virtually a disqualification to laugh at ideas you don't understand in an academic setting. And two, maybe their reactionary impulses will be stifled long enough to learn something (or more likely, will become a pressure cooker).

    But then she takes away the good by implying that one really ought to laugh at what one doesn't understand, but one should not simply because such rude close-mindedness is met with, of course, "repression". One should be amazed at the bigotry, but since it's so common one is not.

    Glen D

  6. And two, maybe their reactionary impulses will be stifled long enough to learn something

    I've pretty much given up any hope of this happening after seeing several people pass, and even get good marks, in a first-year evolutionary biology course and still be completely convinced that evolution was wrong.
