Sunday, November 25, 2007

Creationists as Victims

There's a new movie coming out in January. It's called Expelled and the star, Ben Stein*, is going to reveal the secret evilutionist conspiracy. Apparently, the evilutionists have been persecuting creationists but not because they're idiots. No, apparently it's only because they dare to question the authority of Darwinism.

I'm sure you can't wait to see the movie. Here's a lengthy preview [].

*I'm not sure why Ben Stein is an authority on this subject. Perhaps it's because he was a speech writer for Richard Nixon?


  1. They allow dishonest attacks at their blog, but did not allow this response

    The truth is that overall they have not been too bad at censoring, relative to other creationist forums. Which is why I do not know why they didn't allow me to respond to a host of mined quotes from some rabid hater using the pseudonym "Javascript".

    I do, however, suspect that Javascript may be associated in some manner with their dishonest little film, hence a completely scurrilous and dishonest attack by Javascript was not permitted to be countered by, well, yes, the truth.

    I do not plan to comment any further on that fascist site any more, for once they have gone beyond the already dishonest practice of treating lies and truth the same to preferring lies over the truth, all pretense at fairness has been stripped away.

    Glen Davidson

  2. I got it. Let's see how Ben can do answering 20 questions on evolution. Maybe someone can win Ben Stein's money!

  3. How melodramatic. I'm scared because I might lose all my friends and my job - just for watching the film.

    Also, notice how they show clips of Nazi concentration camps as Stein's voiceover says that Darwin's idea might be dangerous?

  4. I've been getting the student updates for this movie and posting them on my blog. It's such an utter bunch of nonsense and even the trailer, which for credibilty's sake they showed at the Family Research Council annual meeting (not to get to ad hominem), shows that it's a big argument from ignorance. It's absurd.
    Play by the rules of the game.
    Don't try to start a revolution with a textbook revision.
    Make jepardizable predictions.
    Eventually the rules of the game are going to have to shift so that every reputable scientist cries fowl and declares what the ground rules of science are.

  5. I did a full length run-through on this piece of agitprop in case anyone is interested in hearing me fume at it bit by bit. :)

  6. "Also, notice how they show clips of Nazi concentration camps as Stein's voiceover says that Darwin's idea might be dangerous?"

    Oh, the final film will be a lot less subtle than that. Remember: Stein thought that the title of it should be "From Darwin to Hilter" when he was making it.

  7. I don't want to sound catastrophic or anything, but this movie has the potential to do damage, it is precisely the sort of melodramatic anti-establishment productions that will appeal to a huge percentage of the population

    We can only hope it will not get much promotion, but it seems there's some pretty big $$ behind it so I doubt it

  8. They've not only got a lot of money for promotion, they are planning on very heavily targeting folks on the community level with their message: recruiting local leaders, sending out info packets to schools, the whole nine works.

  9. Then I guess we have to prepare for a fight..

  10. People will twist anything to justify their actions. The Crusaders twisted Christianity and the Nazis twisted Darwinism.

    As for this film, it was probably made just to get money from people, but I havent seen the film so Im not certain. They probably DO bring up a FEW good points in the film - but I dont know.

  11. Give me strength!

    If your going to exit test ungrads or deny YECS their degree certificate you're going to make them victims. Stick to the sort of approach you're taking with Kirk Durston.

  12. Um, seems like the creationist equivalent of Reefer Madness.

  13. Timothy V Reeves says,

    If your going to exit test ungrads or deny YECS their degree certificate you're going to make them victims.

    Don't be ridiculous. When people fail my course they are not "victims." When people fail a Ph.D. oral they are not "victims."

  14. No, Larry I have no qualms about your standard testing proceedures, which in this case are in your competent hands; I am just still a little concerned by the notion that a YEC's private beliefs should disqualify him for a natural history degree even if he managed to complete work to a satifactory standard.

    But set against that, let me admit that you are being fair with Kirk Durston, in spite of the 'trojan horse' feel about his aims.

    However, I would understand you not going a similar distance with YEC pundits as I would hate to see your boundless patience stretched to the limit!

  15. Timothy V Reeves says,

    I am just still a little concerned by the notion that a YEC's private beliefs should disqualify him for a natural history degree even if he managed to complete work to a satifactory standard.

    There's more to getting a degree than just "completing work to a satisfactory standard." Universities are places where you learn how to think. If you can't demonstrate that you've achieved that goal then you don't deserve to graduate.

    This is why we have oral exams for Ph.D. candidates. We should have them for undergraduates too. It's not good enough to just memorize a bunch of stuff and regurgitate it on an exam. You also have to show that you understand the concepts and ideas and know how to use them.

    A Young Earth Creationist does not understand science or they wouldn't be a Young Earth Creationist.

  16. The argumentum ad naziium is truly disgusting. Not only do they show Hitler about 2 minutes in, but it appears that the film crew visited Dachau and Auschwitz. The 1933-1945 plaque, I'm pretty sure, is at Dachau, and the ovens shown look like the reproduction of the Kremas the Nazis blew up before they retreated from Auschwitz in the face of the advance of the Red Army in January 1945. I'm not sure where the railroad tracks are, but they look like the ones by Auschwitz.

  17. Oops. Hit "publish" too soon.

    The implication, of course, is that Darwinism leads to genocide. Either that, or he's likening "Darwinists" to Nazis who will throw the poor ID crew into the ovens at the first opportunity.

  18. "just for watchig this movie"??? what an exaggerated ass, o yeah he's compared evolutionary biology to the nazi regime.
    He sure makes a good job as far as appearing reasonable, doesn't he?
    Honestly, Ben Stein's presentation of himself sounded like stephen colbert. Hippie shot?? what an ass haha
    The only revolution this old conservative fart is going to make is in the area of comedy.

  19. Orac, you are quite right. They did not visit those places just for the brief clips shown in the intro. There is LOTS more to come on that score.

    Of course, trying to play up Hitler too lazily and blatantly has been known to backfire. We'll see.

    But if we see an emotional Ben Stein standing in the ruins of a concentration camp blaming Darwin for slaughtering the Jews I won't be the least bit surprised. These guys will stoop as low as it takes.

  20. They offer to "bribe" schools to bring their kids:

    But hurry to register - there's a limited amount of bribe money. Last come - not served.
