Monday, October 08, 2007

This Is a Joke, Right?

According to several sources, this add is being shown on television in the USA and it's sponsored by the US government. I hope this is an elaborate leg-pulling. Surely there are no rational adults who think that telling kids not to have sex is going to work? I'm even surprised that there might be adults who think it's a good idea. Haven't they heard? Sex is fun and healthy.

[Hat Tip: Greg Laden: Wait ’till you’re married to have sex]


  1. They're actually putting on these ads during National Football League games. Somehow I don't think that the largely male audience will be in the least impressed.

  2. so.... sex before marriage makes you unsuccesful, huh

  3. This is not a Joke, Larry. This is America. And if you don't like it, you can move to Cana... oh wait, never mind...

  4. I want my kids to wait, but not until marriage. I would rather they be happy and not rush into marriage just cause they are horny.

  5. They spent money on this organisation so they could promote abstinence until marriage (hence early marriages)?!? Money that could have helped fund the S-Chip program? Money that would actually help kids.

    Cheezis H. Fiskin' Kerist, will the stupidity of this administration never stop?
