Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Theme: SCIENCE Questions

A few months ago I began a series of postings on the top science questions as posed by SCIENCE magazine back in 2005. The idea was to discuss the questions and also to examine how they were chosen. Are the editors of Science able to recognize the important questions in the biological sciences? So far, the results are not encouraging.

This survey was also a survey of science journalism since each of the article has been written by a different science writer. Read the postings below to get a sense of the results. There seems to be a lot of room for improvement.

May 25, 2007
Asking the Right Question

May 25, 2007
Why Do Humans Have So Few Genes?

May 25, 2007
What Is the Biological Basis of Consciousness?

May 27, 2007
To What Extend Are Genetic Variation and Personal health Linked?

May 27, 2007
How Much Can Human Life Be Extended?

May 28, 2007
What Controls Organ Regeneration?

May 28, 2007
How Can a Skin Cell Become a Nerve Cell?

June 4, 2007
How Does a Single Somatic Cell Become a Whole Plant?

June 5, 2007
What Determines Species Diversity?

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